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Nomenclature – MedicineNomenclature – Medicine

Medicineinstitutionsscientific councils Scientific advisers Theses written in this year
14.00.01 Obstetrics and Gynecology 218 
14.00.02 Human Anatomy 1 6 
14.00.03 Endocrinology 1 1 
14.00.04 Otorhinolaryngology 117 
14.00.05 Internal Diseases (with specification: Pulmonology, Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Nephrology, Functional Diagnostics and Endoscopy) 118 
14.00.06 Cardiology and Reumatology 2116 
14.00.07 Hygiene 114 
14.00.08 Ophthalmology 1 3 
14.00.09 Pediatrics 218 
14.00.10 Infections Diseases 116 
14.00.11 Dermatology and Venerology 1 2 
14.00.13 Neurology 218 
14.00.14 Oncology and Radiotherapy 2122 
14.00.15 Pathological Anatomy 315 
14.00.16 Normal and Pathological Physiology 115 
14.00.18 Psihiatrics and Narcology 116 
14.00.19 Medical Imagistics 213 
14.00.20 Toxicology     
14.00.21 Stomatology 119 
14.00.22 Orthopedics and Traumatology 1110 
14.00.24 Legal Medicine 111 
14.00.25 Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology 114 
14.00.26 Phtisiopneumology 2112 
14.00.27 Surgery 2119 
14.00.28 Neurosurgery 2 3 
14.00.30 Epidemiology 115 
14.00.33 Social Medicine and Management 2110 
14.00.34 Balneology and Physiotherapy 1   
14.00.35 Infantine Surgery 1 5 
14.00.36 Laboratorial Diagnostics; Immunology and Alergology 2 4 
14.00.29 Hematology and Hemotransfusion 213 
14.00.37 Anaesthesiology and Reanimathology 1 6 
14.00.40 Urology 1 3 
14.00.41 Transplantology and Artificial Organs     
14.00.44 Cardiovascular Surgery 1 2 
14.00.46 Traditional Medicine 1 3