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Theses, April 2005

Theses [28]

Gr Title Domain Approval date
D Clinical and experimental particularities of regional blood flow disorders in symptomatic uterine myoma medicine 21.04.2005
14.00.01 - Obstetrics and Gynecology
D The planning and argumentation of the prices for taxation of the mechanized services in agriculture economics 21.04.2005
08.00.05 - Economy and Management (in branch)
D Social and economical consequences of land reform in Republic Moldova economics 21.04.2005
08.00.01 - Political Economy; Economic Doctrines
D Managerial issues of organizing and crafting virtual instruction economics 21.04.2005
08.00.05 - Economy and Management (in branch)
D Bank marketing, international practices and directions of implementation in the Republic of Moldova economics 21.04.2005
08.00.06 - Marketing; Logistics
D The management of the credit system in the Republic of Moldova in transition period economics 21.04.2005
08.00.05 - Economy and Management (in branch)
D Management of priority performances in the research and development system of the Republic of Moldova economics 21.04.2005
08.00.05 - Economy and Management (in branch)
D Legal Effect and Supremacy of the European Union Law law 21.04.2005
12.00.10 - International Public Law
D The judicial settlement of the consular activity in international public law law 21.04.2005
12.00.10 - International Public Law
D Political power in present-day Romania and certain discretionary trends in its exercise political Sciences 21.04.2005
23.00.01 - Theory, Methodology and History of Political Sciences; Political Institutions and Processes
D Analiza politologică a problemelor privind corupţia şi crima organizată (cazul Republicii Moldova şi al altor state-membre ale C.S.I.) political Sciences 21.04.2005
23.00.01 - Theory, Methodology and History of Political Sciences; Political Institutions and Processes
DH Antiglobalism: causes, essence and main forms political Sciences 21.04.2005
23.00.04 - Theory and History of International Relations and Global Development
D TV-theatre: problems on poetics and aesthetic interaction history and Theory of Arts, Cultorology 21.04.2005
17.00.01 - Audio-visual Arts (with specification: Theatrical Art; Musical Art; Cinematography, TV and other form of Audio-Visual Arts)
DH Impactul comunicării cu adultul asupra dezvoltării intelectuale în diferite perioade ale ontogenezei psychology 21.04.2005
19.00.07 - Pedagogical Psychology, Psychology of Development, Psychology of Personality
D Pregătirea atletică polivalentă a elevilor din ciclul gimnazial în baza conţinuturilor educaţionale cu efect multilateral de instruire pedagogics 21.04.2005
13.00.04 - Theory and Methodology of Physical Education, Sport Training and Physical Culture of Recuperation
D Morphology of the ligamentary Apparatus of the Uterus medicine 21.04.2005
14.00.02 - Human Anatomy
D Life style of population of the Republic of Moldova. Socio-geography approach geography 21.04.2005
11.00.02 - Economic, Social and Political Geography
D Diagnosis and surgical treatment of chronic calculouse pancreatitis medicine 21.04.2005
14.00.27 - Surgery
D Modification of the polypeptides pattern during installation and elimination of the apple seeds dormancy biology 21.04.2005
03.00.04 - Biochemistry
D Development of technology and research of the medicinal forms with extractive substances from seaweed pharmacy 21.04.2005
15.00.01 - Pharmacy
DH Manifestările neurovasculare periferice la subiecţi sănătoşi şi cu afecţiuni degenerative ale coloanei lombare (diagnostic şi opţiuni terapeutice) medicine 21.04.2005
14.00.46 - Traditional Medicine
D The Recurrent Postoperative Bleeding Ulcer medicine 21.04.2005
14.00.27 - Surgery
D The forensic characteristic, structure and etiopathogenesis of suicidal phenomenon among children and teenagers medicine 21.04.2005
14.00.24 - Legal Medicine
D Structural and semantic analysis of economic management terminology in Romanian language philology 21.04.2005
10.02.01 - Romanian Language
D Frazeologisme arhaice: expresie şi conţinut philology 21.04.2005
10.02.01 - Romanian Language
DH Teoria şi metodologia evaluării în învăţămîntul universitar pedagogics 21.04.2005
13.00.01 - General Pedagogics
D Dezvoltarea diferenţiată a capacităţii de forţă-viteză în pregătirea fotbaliştilor juniori, vârsta 16-17 ani pedagogics 21.04.2005
13.00.04 - Theory and Methodology of Physical Education, Sport Training and Physical Culture of Recuperation
D Plano works during the second half of the 20th centurz of Iaşi history and Theory of Arts, Cultorology 21.04.2005
17.00.01 - Audio-visual Arts (with specification: Theatrical Art; Musical Art; Cinematography, TV and other form of Audio-Visual Arts)