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Thesis filter result

Theses, that satisfy given criteria:
Nr. Dg Title Domain Specialty Approval date
1. D The Management of economic activities in the Diocese system of Christian Orthodox Church (the example of Republic of Moldova)economics 08.00.05 21.06.2013
2. D Public Relations – a managerial instrument in fiscal administrationeconomics 08.00.05 15.11.2012
3. D Improving the quality management as a factor of enterprise competitivenesseconomics 08.00.05 22.12.2011
4. D The management restructuring and perfecting in local public administration (Techirghiol city hall)economics 08.00.05 31.03.2011
5. D Management of the Public Office Worker Activity in the Local Administration from the Town-Houseeconomics 08.00.05 05.07.2010
6. D Master plan, the basic tool in modern management of water supply services and sewerageeconomics 08.00.05 29.04.2010
7. D Implementation of performant management in manage of modern entrepreneurial projectseconomics 08.00.05 29.04.2010