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Thesis filter result

Theses, that satisfy given criteria:
Nr. Dg Title Domain Specialty Approval date
1. D Methodology of formation and development of information competency of professional school students through curricular and extra-curricular activitiespedagogics 13.00.02 24.02.2023
2. DH Value orientations and psychosocial adaptation of adolescentpsychology 19.00.05 24.02.2023
3. DH Theory and praxeology of the continuous professional training of the teaching staffpedagogics 13.00.01 24.02.2023
4. D Pedagogical foundations of high school museum education in school-family-community collaborationpedagogics 13.00.01 22.12.2022
5. D Reducing percieved stress in competition training for adolescent athletes through relaxation techniquespsychology 19.00.07 21.12.2022
6. D Discursive Approach to the Literary Text in the Development of the English Communication Competence of Philology Studentspedagogics 13.00.02 21.12.2022
7. D The Pedagogical Values of Private Education in the Republic of Moldova and Romania (Comparative Study)pedagogics 13.00.01 25.11.2022
8. D Pedagogic conditions for forming professional competences of pre-service teachers through independent activitypedagogics 13.00.01 25.11.2022
9. D Development of volitional qualities in preadolescentspsychology 19.00.07 25.11.2022
10. D Pedagogical foundations of positive parental educationpedagogics 13.00.01 25.11.2022
11. D The impact of modern educational technologies on the formation of pupils’ mathematical competence in post-secondary non-tertiary technical vocational education (future primary school teachers)pedagogics 13.00.02 25.11.2022
12. D The personal development of young women descends from aggressive family backgroundspsychology 19.00.07 30.09.2022
13. D Developing the personality of delinquent teenagerspsychology 19.00.07 01.07.2022
14. D Literary-artistic and linguistic education of school students through non-traditional lessonspedagogics 13.00.02 28.04.2022
15. D The effective use of authentic materials in teaching-learning EMPpedagogics 13.00.01 28.04.2022
16. D Self-control and emotional stability of preadolescents with deviant behaviorpsychology 19.00.07 01.03.2022
17. DH The status of women in the medieval society of Moldavia and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (14th-17th centuries). Comparative studyhistory 07.00.02 01.03.2022
18. D The formation of high school students’ artistic culture through fine arts (academic vocational education)pedagogics 13.00.02 01.03.2022
19. D Ethnopedagogical professional training of teachers PhD thesis in Education Sciencespedagogics 13.00.01 01.03.2022
20. D Forming communicative competence from the perspective of the use of paremiological language at university levelpedagogics 13.00.01 22.12.2021

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Theses: 1 - 20 of 125