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Thesis filter result

Theses, that satisfy given criteria:
Nr. Dg Title Domain Specialty Approval date
21. D Education of functional attitude to health of children of senior preschool agepedagogics 13.00.01 21.04.2016
22. D Psychosocial adaptation of first year students to the universitypsychology 19.00.05 21.04.2016
23. D The Reconceptualization of the Initial Professional Formation of a Teacherpedagogics 13.00.07 07.10.2015
24. D Psychological Particularities of Development of Social Competence in Ontogenesispsychology 19.00.05 28.05.2015
25. D Pedagogical fundamentals of media education in the school-family collaboration (Primary education stage)pedagogics 13.00.01 24.02.2015
26. D Pedagogical and Managerial Bases of Complementary Institutions Development in the Republic of Moldovapedagogics 13.00.01 05.10.2011
27. D Creating of the scope for receiving and understanding of literal text by childrens in preschool age,pedagogics 13.00.01 24.02.2011
28. D The development of literary-artistic competencies of students in an intercultural context of elementary vocational trainingpedagogics 13.00.01 24.02.2011
29. D The integralisation of ecological consciousness of high school studentspedagogics 13.00.01 24.02.2011
30. D Fundamente psihopedagogice ale stilului democratic managerial la nivel de instituţie preşcolarăpedagogics 13.00.01 23.10.2008

Pages: 1 2 Theses: 21 - 30 of 30