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Thesis filter result

Theses, that satisfy given criteria:
Nr. Dg Title Domain Specialty Approval date
181. DH Complex treatment of patients with chronic periodontitis and edentulismmedicine 14.00.21 22.12.2015
182. D Involvement of respiratory system in systemic lupus erythematosusmedicine 14.00.06 19.11.2015
183. DH The contractual methodologies of mandatory health insurance servicesmedicine 14.00.33 19.11.2015
184. D Clinical and socio-medical aspects of gynecological emergency pathologies in the RMmedicine 14.00.01 07.10.2015
185. D Diagnosis and treatment of appendiceal mucocelemedicine 14.00.27 07.10.2015
186. DH Morphofunctional pattern and clinical significance of the coledocopancreaticoduodenal complexmedicine 14.00.02 07.10.2015
187. D Open surgical treatment of staghorn kidney stones through nephrolithotomy and its variantsmedicine 14.00.40 07.10.2015
188. D Species Cynara scolymus L. - source of new pharmaceuticalspharmacy 15.00.01 07.10.2015
189. D Optimization of pharmacotherapy of chronic heart failure by using losartan, lisinopril and their associationmedicine 14.00.25 07.10.2015
190. D Medical and surgical management of congenital lung malformations in childrenmedicine 14.00.35 07.07.2015
191. D Surgical acute infection at children under 7 yearsmedicine 14.00.35 07.07.2015
192. D Optimization of microbial antibiotic resistance monitoring in septic-purulent infections at the medical institution levelmedicine 14.00.30 07.07.2015
193. D Evolutionary aspects, clinical and laboratory features of ankylosing spondylitis and urogenital reactive arthritis with ocular impairmentmedicine 14.00.06 07.07.2015
194. D Ultrasound assessment of the intrauterine growth restrictionmedicine 14.00.19 07.07.2015
195. D Safety and pharmacological aspects of isopropylphosphite-S-isopropylisothioureamedicine 14.00.25 24.02.2015
196. D Clinical and biological particularities of breast cancer in menopausemedicine 14.00.14 03.10.2013
197. D Spectrum of anemias in systemic lupus erythematosus in womenmedicine 14.00.06 09.10.2012
198. D Aspects of clinical course and risk factors of arterial hypertension in childrenmedicine 14.00.09 09.10.2012
199. D The pharmacological properties of the sorbent Medicas E and of its association with hyperbaric oxygenationmedicine 14.00.25 09.10.2012
200. DH Complex treatment in rehabilitation of patients with chronic marginal periodontitismedicine 14.00.21 09.10.2012

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Theses: 181 - 200 of 261