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Thesis filter result

Theses, that satisfy given criteria:
Nr. Dg Title Domain Specialty Approval date
1. D Image as a factor for increasing the competitiveness of the company on the marketeconomics 08.00.06 24.02.2023
2. D Marketing substantiation of the strategic positioning of a product on the market (the example of wineries in ATU Gagauzia)economics 08.00.06 25.11.2022
3. D Social marketing and application possibilities in health promotion ), 35 figures and 18 tables. The obtained results economics 08.00.06 25.06.2021
4. D Informational support as a factor of influence of decisions in Educational Marketingeconomics 08.00.06 06.12.2019
5. D Marketing of human resources and possibilities of application in the Republic of Moldovaeconomics 08.00.06 19.04.2019
6. D Branding in marketing’s strategic planningeconomics 08.00.06 19.04.2019
7. D The basis of the marketing policy of the service enterprise under the influence of consumer behavior on the cleaning services marketeconomics 08.00.06 19.04.2019
8. D Marketing as a strategic business factor in conditions of competition’s intensificationeconomics 08.00.06 25.01.2019
9. D Strategy for marketing activity development on the cereals market in the Republic of Moldova” (based on agricultural entities)economics 08.00.06 11.05.2018
10. D Innovational marketing in the art-business: directions and opportunities of applicationeconomics 08.00.06 22.12.2015
11. D Integrated marketing approaches in formation and development of the fruit products market from the Republic of Moldovaeconomics 08.00.06 07.07.2015
12. D The optimization of marketing decisions for effective penetration of enterprise of new markets (on the basis of winemaking industry of Republic of Moldova)economics 08.00.06 23.05.2012
13. D Rural marketing and locality investment attractivenesseconomics 08.00.06 16.02.2012
14. D Advertising creativity and its impact on advertising persuasion processeconomics 08.00.06 22.12.2011
15. D Societal marketing as a component of Social Corporative Responsibilityeconomics 08.00.06 12.05.2011
16. D Foundation of marketing decisions at small-scale business enterprises from the Republic of Moldovaeconomics 08.00.06 01.10.2009
17. D Urban Marketing and Cities’ Competitivenesseconomics 08.00.06 22.01.2009
18. D Căi de perfecţionare a politicii de formare a preţurilor la producţia pomicolă în condiţiile pieţei Republicii Moldovaeconomics 08.00.06 19.06.2008
19. D Strategii de marketing în dezvoltarea şi promovarea ecoturismului în Republica Moldova economics 08.00.06 19.06.2008
20. D Marketing strategies in developing internal tourism in the Republic of Moldovaeconomics 08.00.06 28.02.2008

Pages: 1 2 Theses: 1 - 20 of 24