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Thesis filter result

Theses, that satisfy given criteria:
Nr. Dg Title Domain Specialty Approval date
1. D Legal regulation and ensuring ot the inviolability of private, family and intimate lifelaw 12.00.02 30.09.2022
2. D Guaranteeing the realization of the property right by the public authorities of the Republic of Moldovalaw 12.00.02 01.07.2022
3. D Ensuring the Human Right to a Decent Livinglaw 12.00.02 01.03.2022
4. D Responsibility of magistrates – guarantee of the legality and efficiency of the judicial power in the Republic of Moldova and Romanialaw 12.00.02 30.07.2021
5. D The private property right, constitutional guarantees and its limitationslaw 12.00.02 30.07.2021
6. D "Liability for Violation of Election Law Ruleslaw 12.00.02 28.02.2020
7. D Legislative process: national regulations and aspects of comparative 12.00.02 09.07.2019
8. D The plurality of citizenship in the perspective of European integration of the Republic of Moldovalaw 12.00.02 09.07.2019
9. D The right for petitioning in the Republic of Moldovalaw 12.00.02 09.07.2019
10. D Constitutional principles governing access to state powerlaw 12.00.02 19.04.2019
11. DH Sосiаl rights оf а рersоn аnd оf а сitizen in the Republic of Moldova: constitutional guaranteeslaw 12.00.02 19.04.2019
12. D Normative and Institutional Consolidation of the Integration of Ethnic Minorities in the Republic of Moldovalaw 12.00.02 23.11.2018
13. D Sovereignty and independence of the EU member states. PHd thesis in lawlaw 12.00.02 23.11.2018
14. D Remediation of ecological damage".law 12.00.02 11.05.2018
15. D Local public finance administrationlaw 12.00.02 11.05.2018
16. D The fundamental right to education in the Republic of Moldovalaw 12.00.02 11.05.2018
17. D Strengthening governance regime in contemporary constitutionalism of the Republic of Moldovalaw 12.00.02 11.05.2018
18. D Constitutional regulation of the economics human rights in Republic of Moldovalaw 12.00.02 11.05.2018
19. D The legal state of the public administration authorities in establishing the child’s residencelaw 12.00.02 11.05.2018
20. D The contravention procedure in cases of committing ecological contravention law 12.00.02 11.05.2018

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Theses: 1 - 20 of 109