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Thesis filter result

Theses, that satisfy given criteria:
Nr. Dg Title Domain Specialty Approval date
161. D Continuity in Process of Formation of Learning Competences at 6-8 - year old Childrenpedagogics 13.00.01 29.06.2006
162. D The formative value of the pedagogical language in actionpedagogics 13.00.01 29.06.2006
163. D Formative functions of the text universalia in learning the Romanian language by non/native speakers pedagogics 13.00.01 27.04.2006
164. D Forming of the axiological orientation of the 6-7 years preschools children from etnoeducational prospectivepedagogics 13.00.01 27.04.2006
165. DH The Theoretical and Methodological Foundations of the Managerial Reform in Educationpedagogics 13.00.01 27.04.2006
166. D The devalopment of the economical skills for the children of the primaru school agepedagogics 13.00.01 23.02.2006
167. D Paradigma psihopedagogică a didacticii disciplinei şcolarepedagogics 13.00.01 26.01.2006
168. D The reseach Sociological approach of the national-universal relationship in the education of the youth in the context of the Romanian Language and Literature subjectpedagogics 13.00.01 22.12.2005
169. D Psycho-pedagogical foundations of counseling and school orientation in high-school education in the context of linguistic and literary educationpedagogics 13.00.01 22.12.2005
170. D Formation of creative capacities at lyceum students in the process of problem-based educationpedagogics 13.00.01 22.12.2005
171. DH Theoretical and methodological bases of education for familypedagogics 13.00.01 22.09.2005
172. D Proiectarea curriculum-ului de consiliere şcolarăpedagogics 13.00.01 22.09.2005
173. D The development of the communicative culture of a teacher in the conditions of modern schoolpedagogics 13.00.01 23.06.2005
174. D Evaluarea culturii muzicale a elevilor în procesul de realizare a curriculumului şcolarpedagogics 13.00.01 23.06.2005
175. D Sociologia perceperii valorilor literar-artistice româneşti de către elevii alolingvi din R. Moldovapedagogics 13.00.01 23.06.2005
176. D Formarea stilului profesional al viitorului pedagog din perspectiva noilor educaţiipedagogics 13.00.01 23.06.2005
177. DH Teoria şi metodologia evaluării în învăţămîntul universitarpedagogics 13.00.01 21.04.2005
178. D Dezvoltarea competenţelor de cunoaştere la elevii din clasa întâia prin integrarea conţinuturilor curricularepedagogics 13.00.01 24.02.2005
179. D Educarea culturii politice la elevii claselor licealepedagogics 13.00.01 23.12.2004
180. D The development of pedagogic thinking in Basarabia, period 1918-1940pedagogics 13.00.01 23.12.2004

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Theses: 161 - 180 of 181