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Thesis filter result

Theses, that satisfy given criteria:
Nr. Dg Title Domain Specialty Approval date
1. D Diagnosticul și tratamentul chirurgical al formațiunilor chistice și tumorale ovariene la copii și adolescentemedicine 14.00.01 01.07.2022
2. D Clinical and evolutionary aspects of pregnancy and delivery in women with pulmonary tuberculosismedicine 14.00.01 26.11.2021
3. D The role of free radicals in the etiopathogenesis and modern treatment of chronic pelvic algaemedicine 14.00.01 06.12.2019
4. D The clinical, psychological and neuro-vegetative particularities of the teenage pregnancy and deliverymedicine 14.00.01 19.04.2019
5. DH Maternal mortality in Republic of Moldova: medico-social, demographic, management aspects and ways of decreasingmedicine 14.00.01 15.03.2019
6. D Role of methionine metabolism disorders in women with recurrent spontaneous abortion:diagnostic and correctionmedicine 14.00.01 23.11.2018
7. D The role of angiogenic factors in Abruptio Placentaemedicine 14.00.01 11.05.2018
8. D Optimisation of laparoscopic surgical treatment in PCOS patients and its influence on ovarian reservemedicine 14.00.01 11.05.2018
9. D Labor Induction In Women With The Intrauterine Growth Retardation At Pretermmedicine 14.00.01 11.05.2018
10. DH Anomalies of the Female Genital Organs: Optimisation of Diagnosis and Treatmentmedicine 14.00.01 31.05.2017
11. D The optimization of medical and surgical management in acute pelvic inflammatory diseasemedicine 14.00.01 31.05.2017
12. D Non invasive laser therapy in chronical inflammatory diseases of the cervixmedicine 14.00.01 22.12.2015
13. D Clinical and socio-medical aspects of gynecological emergency pathologies in the RMmedicine 14.00.01 07.10.2015
14. D Estimating of risk factors in the evolution of pregnancy and birth in pregnant women with rheumatic mitral valvulopathiesmedicine 14.00.01 09.04.2015
15. D The role of nitric oxide in cervix maturation in prolonged pregnanciesmedicine 14.00.01 16.02.2012
16. D The stopped pregnancy in evolution: medico-social aspectsmedicine 14.00.01 23.12.2010
17. D Treatment of stress urinary incontinence associated with genital prolapsemedicine 14.00.01 06.10.2010
18. D Use of „BIO-R” in preparation for vaginal and perineal plastic surgerymedicine 14.00.01 05.11.2009
19. D Optimising efficiency of implementing medical abortion in Republic of Moldovamedicine 14.00.01 01.10.2009
20. D The correction of the reproductive function in patients with infertility developed after surgical operations on the pelvic organsmedicine 14.00.01 01.10.2009

Pages: 1 2 Theses: 1 - 20 of 30