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Thesis filter result

Theses, that satisfy given criteria:
Nr. Dg Title Domain Specialty Approval date
1. DH Literary sources of iconography programs of medieval Moldavian mural paintingphilology 10.01.01 22.12.2005
2. DH The medical-social rehabilitation of patients with epilepsy in out-patient conditionsmedicine 14.00.18 22.12.2005
3. DH Criminological victimology: theoretical, methodological and applied problemslaw 12.00.08 22.12.2005
4. DH Increase of efficiency of wild strawberry, raspberry and black currant perfection of structure and care of plantationsagriculture 06.01.07 22.12.2005
5. DH Pathogenetic, clinical and morphological argumentation of the medical and surgical treatment of pulmonary hydatidosis in childrenmedicine 14.00.35 22.12.2005
6. DH Formarea responsabilităţii ecologice în contextul dezvoltării durabile a societăţii (în baza investigaţiilor sociologice din Republica Moldova) sociology 22.00.04 22.12.2005
7. DH The novelistic representation of the Parisian woman in French literature from the second half of the XX-th centuryphilology 10.01.06 27.10.2005
8. DH Object of the crimes against propertylaw 12.00.08 27.10.2005
9. DH Prediction and prevention of gastroduodenal peptic ulcer rebleedingmedicine 14.00.27 27.10.2005
10. DH Issues related to long-term material and non-material assets accountingeconomics 08.00.12 22.09.2005
11. DH Physical-chemical characteristics and processes in the systems waterparticulate material-bottom sediments from rivers Nistru and Prutchemistry 02.00.04 22.09.2005
12. DH Contribuţii teoretico-experimentale la studiul fiabilităţii pieselor şi îmbinărilor utilajului agricol recondiţionate cu compozite pe bază de polimeriengineering 05.20.03 22.09.2005
13. DH Theoretical and methodological bases of education for familypedagogics 13.00.01 22.09.2005
14. DH Humanism in Romanian Philosophical Thinking from the XVIIth Century and the Beginning of the XVIIIth Centuryphilosophy 09.00.03 22.09.2005
15. DH Incriminarea corupţiei în legislaţia penală a Republicii Moldovalaw 12.00.08 23.06.2005
16. DH Federaţia Rusă în contextul proceselor politice internaţionale contemporanepolitical Sciences 23.00.04 23.06.2005
17. DH Antiglobalism: causes, essence and main formspolitical Sciences 23.00.04 21.04.2005
18. DH Manifestările neurovasculare periferice la subiecţi sănătoşi şi cu afecţiuni degenerative ale coloanei lombare (diagnostic şi opţiuni terapeutice)medicine 14.00.46 21.04.2005
19. DH Teoria şi metodologia evaluării în învăţămîntul universitarpedagogics 13.00.01 21.04.2005
20. DH Impactul comunicării cu adultul asupra dezvoltării intelectuale în diferite perioade ale ontogenezeipsychology 19.00.07 21.04.2005

Pages: 1 2 Theses: 1 - 20 of 21