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Thesis filter result

Theses, that satisfy given criteria:
Nr. Dg Title Domain Specialty Approval date
141. D Modification of the polypeptides pattern during installation and elimination of the apple seeds dormancybiology 03.00.04 21.04.2005
142. D Plano works during the second half of the 20th centurz of Iaşihistory and Theory of Arts, Cultorology 17.00.01 21.04.2005
143. D TV-theatre: problems on poetics and aesthetic interactionhistory and Theory of Arts, Cultorology 17.00.01 21.04.2005
144. D Clinical and experimental particularities of regional blood flow disorders in symptomatic uterine myomamedicine 14.00.01 21.04.2005
145. DH Manifestările neurovasculare periferice la subiecţi sănătoşi şi cu afecţiuni degenerative ale coloanei lombare (diagnostic şi opţiuni terapeutice)medicine 14.00.46 21.04.2005
146. D The Recurrent Postoperative Bleeding Ulcermedicine 14.00.27 21.04.2005
147. D Life style of population of the Republic of Moldova. Socio-geography approachgeography 11.00.02 21.04.2005
148. D Political power in present-day Romania and certain discretionary trends in its exercisepolitical Sciences 23.00.01 21.04.2005
149. D Bank marketing, international practices and directions of implementation in the Republic of Moldovaeconomics 08.00.06 21.04.2005
150. D Managerial issues of organizing and crafting virtual instructioneconomics 08.00.05 21.04.2005
151. D Management of priority performances in the research and development system of the Republic of Moldovaeconomics 08.00.05 21.04.2005
152. D The management of the credit system in the Republic of Moldova in transition periodeconomics 08.00.05 21.04.2005
153. D Dezvoltarea diferenţiată a capacităţii de forţă-viteză în pregătirea fotbaliştilor juniori, vârsta 16-17 anipedagogics 13.00.04 21.04.2005
154. DH Impactul comunicării cu adultul asupra dezvoltării intelectuale în diferite perioade ale ontogenezeipsychology 19.00.07 21.04.2005
155. D Social and economical consequences of land reform in Republic Moldovaeconomics 08.00.01 21.04.2005
156. D Morphology of the ligamentary Apparatus of the Uterusmedicine 14.00.02 21.04.2005
157. D Pregătirea atletică polivalentă a elevilor din ciclul gimnazial în baza conţinuturilor educaţionale cu efect multilateral de instruirepedagogics 13.00.04 21.04.2005
158. D The planning and argumentation of the prices for taxation of the mechanized services in agricultureeconomics 08.00.05 21.04.2005
159. DH Teoria şi metodologia evaluării în învăţămîntul universitarpedagogics 13.00.01 21.04.2005
160. D Formarea priceperilor de coordonare complexă a integrării componentelor procesuale în cadrul activităţii didactice la viitorii profesori de educaţie fizicăpedagogics 13.00.04 24.02.2005

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Theses: 141 - 160 of 195