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Thesis filter result

Theses, that satisfy given criteria:
Nr. Dg Title Domain Specialty Approval date
161. D Voluntary personal insurance contractlaw 12.00.03 19.04.2007
162. D Civil Responsibility Regardering Environment Lawlaw 12.00.02 19.04.2007
163. D Subjects of modern International public lawlaw 12.00.10 19.04.2007
164. D Etnopedagogical and ethnographical bases of developing creative capacity of studentspedagogics 13.00.01 19.04.2007
165. D Access to justice as a principle of the rule of lawlaw 12.00.01 19.04.2007
166. D Dendrometrical and auxological studies in the oak stands of the Rezerve “Codrii”biology 03.00.05 19.04.2007
167. D The problem of national specific in Viata romaneasca magazine(G. Ibraileanu and M. Ralea)philology 10.01.01 19.04.2007
168. D The management of recuperation of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseasemedicine 14.00.05 19.04.2007
169. D Formation of new paradigm of political thought within modern conditionspolitical Sciences 23.00.01 19.04.2007
170. D The Topological Classification of Complete Quadratic System with Centers of Symmetryphysics and mathematics 01.01.02 19.04.2007
171. D Învăţământul matematic in Moldova: secolul al xv-lea începutul secolului al xx-leapedagogics 13.00.02 19.04.2007
172. D The consideration of optimization of the Lyme borreliosis epidemiological surveillancemedicine 14.00.30 19.04.2007
173. D The organization and planning of vinicultural production” (on the basis of data of Sauxt Zone on the Republic of Moldova)economics 08.00.05 19.04.2007
174. D Perfection of tax systems in the perspective of European integration and their contribution to formation of budgetary incomes” (on the example of the moldo-romanian experienceeconomics 08.00.10 19.04.2007
175. D Scientific basis and normative regulation of environmental human rights in Republic of Moldovalaw 12.00.02 19.04.2007
176. D Diversity, synanthropic process and urban ornithofauna conservationbiology 03.00.08 19.04.2007
177. D Models of Medea Myth’s Reception in Contemporary German Literaturephilology 10.01.06 19.04.2007
178. D Precursors and new materials based on Bismuth(III) heteronuclear compounds with some 3d elementschemistry 02.00.01 19.04.2007
179. D Relations between public authorities in the process of administration of the patrimony of administrative-territorial unitieslaw 12.00.02 19.04.2007
180. D Provision technological reliability details of the farm machinery restored with a polimeric compositional materialsengineering 05.20.03 19.04.2007

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Theses: 161 - 180 of 228