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The Influence of contextual factors on pupils’ result in mathematics(forms IV and VIII)

Author: Cabac Fugeniu
Degree:doctor of pedagogics
Speciality: 13.00.02 - Theory and Methodology of Instruction (on disciplines)
Scientific adviser: Ilie Lupu
doctor habilitat, professor, Tiraspol State University
Scientific council:


The thesis was presented on the 27 February, 2009
Approved by NCAA on the 23 April, 2009


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CZU 37.016:51(043.3)

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176 pages


School results, evaluation, interactive evaluation, factor, international study, modeling, quality, standards, monitoring system in education, competence, learning, cognition, representation, difficulties in learning, school failure, error, cognitive and metacognitive obstacles, the zone of proximal development, curriculum (official, taught, assimilated), curricular development, stages of solving a task, qualities of the test (validity, fidelity, objectivity, applicability), classical theory of tests, Item Response Theory


The paper contains the results of a theoretical and experimental research devoted to the establishment of contextual factors influencing the pupils’ results in mathematics. The peculiarity of the paper lies in the integration of two opinions: external (the data of the international study TIMSS) and internal (identification of cognitive and metacognitive barriers that pupils face when doing tests in mathematics).

The author has studied the peculiarities of international studies in mathematics and science and has proved that the data that have already been obtained may be used to monitor the quality of the national educational system.

Based on the analysis of various models of factors the paper contains a grounded well developed theoretical model of factors that an influence the pupils’ results in mathematics. The author has also developed the model of identifying cognitive and metacognitive barriers which the pupils face when solving tasks in mathematics.

On the basis of the developed models and using a packet of statistical programs SPSS the author establishes a number of factors which explain the changeability of pupils’ results in mathematics and identifies the cognitive barriers the pupils face while solving tasks in mathematics. The results may be used by other researches, teacher and decision makers dealing with the state policy in education.


CAPITOLUL 1. Bazele teoretice ale evaluării randamentului şcolar la matematică
  • 1.1 Rolul matematicii în formarea personalităţii elevului
  • 1.2 Conceptul de randament şcolar
  • 1.3 Calitatea învăţământului matematic şi standardele educaţionale. Monitorizarea calităţii învăţământului
  • 1.3.1 Calitate şi standarde în învăţământ
  • 1.3.2 Sisteme de monitorizare în învăţământ
  • 1.4 Evaluarea randamentului şcolar la matematică
  • 1.4.1 Evaluarea – parte componentă a procesului de învăţământ la matematică
  • 1.4.2 Schimbarea paradigmei în evaluare
  • 1.4.3 Strategii, tipuri, forme şi metode de evaluare a randamentului şcolar la matematică
  • 1.4.4 Evaluarea prin teste la matematică. Avantajele şi limitele evaluării prin teste
  • 1.4.5 Evaluările internaţionale la matematică
  • 1.5 Explicaţia ştiinţifică în pedagogie. Noţiune de factor
  • Concluzii la capitolul 1

CAPITOLUL 2. Modelarea mecanismului care explică fluctuaţia randamentului elevilor la matematică
  • 2.1 Modelul factorilor ce influenţează randamentul elevilor la matematică
  • 2.2 Modelul de identificare a obstacolelor cognitive şi metacognitive cu care se confruntă elevii la rezolvarea sarcinilor TIMSS
  • 2.2.1 Obstacolele cognitive şi metacognitive la rezolvarea sarcinilor la matematică
  • 2.2.2 Identificarea obstacolelor cognitive prin evaluări interactive
  • Concluzii la capitolul 2

CAPITOLUL 3. Demersul experimental
  • 3.1 Organizarea evaluărilor internaţionale TIMSS în Republica Moldova
  • 3.2 Rezultatele evaluărilor internaţionale la matematică a elevilor din Republica Moldova
  • 3.2.1 Partea descriptivă
  • 3.2.2 Partea analitică
  • 3.3 Factorii care influenţează randamentul elevilor la matematică
  • 3.4 Obstacolele cognitive şi metacognitive întâlnite de elevi la rezolvarea sarcinilor matematice
  • Concluzii generale şi recomandări