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Literary-artistic and linguistic education of school students through non-traditional lessons

Author: Vîlcu Marcela
Degree:doctor of pedagogics
Speciality: 13.00.02 - Theory and Methodology of Instruction (on disciplines)
Scientific adviser: Ludmila Armaşu-Canţâr
doctor, associate professor (docent)
Institution: Chisinau Pedagogical State University "Ion Creanga"


The thesis was presented on the 31 January, 2022
Approved by NCAA on the 28 April, 2022


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CZU 373.091:[811.135.1+821.135.1.09](043.3)

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196 pages


classical lesson, non-traditional lesson (NTL), literary-artistic education, linguistic education, literary-lectorial competences, communicative competence (LALE), school students, teacher


The structure of the thesis: introduction, three chapters, general conclusions and recommendations, 218 bibliography sources, 150 pages of text, 25 figures, 8 tables and 16 appendixes.

Publications on the topic of the thesis: 41 scientific works

The field of study: School didactics (Romanian language and literature).

The aim of the research is: the theoretical and practical-experimental fundamentals of the Pedagogical Model of the literary-artistic and linguistic education of the school students by using non-traditional lessons, in the process of which the school student is assigned as the subject of the educational action.

The objectives of the research are: to identify the epistemic, theoretical, praxiological landmarks of the LALE of the school students as a system, by using NTL; to diagnose the pre-experimental literary-reading and communicative competences of the school students; to emphasize the attitude of teachers and students towards non-traditional lessons; to justify the theoretical, epistemological and praxiological approach of non-traditional lessons towards LALE of the school students; to conceptualize and experimentally validate the Pedagogical Model of LALE of school students by using NTL; to formulate the conclusions and relevant recommendations for LALE optimization of school students through the use of non-traditional lessons of the Romanian language and literature.

The novelty and scientific originality of the research lies in the substantiation and use of NTL in LALE practice; in the validation of the pedagogical model that includes several types of NTL, activities and methods with a playful and creative-interactive character, as well as of evaluation criteria , thus, giving the school student the status of a subject of the educational act.

The scientific result obtained in the research aims to theoretically justify, elaborate and experimentally validate the LALE methodology by using non-traditional lessons, conceptualized according to their purpose and to the predominant method, which contributed to the formation of the literary-reading and communicative competences of the school students.

The theoretical significance of the research is supported by defining the concept of NTL as an alternative related to the classical/traditional lesson; the theoretical substantiation and definition of each type of NTL, the emphasis on the procedure, the establishment of the conditions and advantages validated during the experiment; the synthesis of the general trends and attitude of the school students and teachers regarding the use of non-traditional lessons.

The practical value of the research consists in: the conceptualization of the Pedagogical Model of LALE by using NTL, focused on several theories on the fields of "Literature", "Language and communication", „Didactics", on a literary-aesthetic system, didactic and educational literary-artistic principles, focused on creative-interactive and playful activities, on the recognition of the student as a subject of the educational act; the establishment of the prior directions for improving the practices of LALE of school students, including – the formation of the interpreter of literature and the cult speaker of the Romanian language, by exploring the formative potential of NTL; the establishment of the professional characteristics of the Romanian language and literature teachers regarding the approach of NTL, school students' interest and motivation towards them; the elaboration of practical recommendations for the modernization of the initial and continuous professional development of the teachers in the field of LALE by using non-traditional lessons.

The implementation of scientific research results was carried out through the didactic activity of the author within "Ion Creanga" SPU in Chisinau, ”Prometheus-Prim” Lyceum of Creativity and Invention, "Gh. Asachi” Theoretical Lyceum, at the gymnasiums from Ulmu, Ialoveni, Molochisul-Mare, Râbnița district, by participating in national and international conferences and published scientific materials. 7