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Development of dissipative structures and stationary states on the electrical charged liquid surface

Author: Constantinov Boris
Degree:doctor of physics and mathematics
Speciality: 01.04.04 - Physical electronics
Scientific adviser: Teodosie Pasecinic
doctor habilitat, professor


The thesis was presented on the 29 February, 2008
Approved by NCAA on the 17 April, 2008


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CZU 621.315.592 (043.2)

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175 pages


The viscous liquid, the structure of thermoplastical deformations, the rheological properties, the chalcogenical glasses, the photoelectrical samples of the registration of optical information, the transmission of spatial frequencies, the carriers of photothermoplastical information


The paper describes the development of physical models which allow the interpretation of experimental results obtained in the liquid dielectric – metallic rigid substrate modules. The aim consists in the analysis of dissipative structures induced by electrostatic field and establishing the interconnection between the mechanisms of formation of spatial deformations of germination and multiplication of deformations centers of crater type and the mechanism of transmitting of spatial frequencies by thermoplastic deformations of PTPC.

The physical model of deformation of liquid surface in the electrostatic field of corona in the process of apparition and development of dissipative spatial structures for the processes of hysteresis type was proposed. The characteristics of transportation processes of substance masses were obtained from direct measurements of the mobility of dynamical surfaces, for this the elementary removing of the liquid points were introduced into (S) numerical data base of (nij) bytes which were stored in the computer memory and were analyzed taking into consideration their exponential increasing in time. The dispersion of development increment of deformation (ω) depends on the time interval from the moment of sensitization of the sample. The average value of the parameter ω depends nonlinearly of field characteristic, although that the mobility of electrical charges on the liquid surface depends on the superficial-active substance. The characteristic time (tN) of the process is determined from the shape of kinetic curves of migration phenomenon. The exponential dependence was proved ω(t)≈αt─1, from numerical modifications of establishing kinetic of stationary values of development speed of spatial deformations, where (α) is the parameter which characterizes the dispersion:

The development of dissipative structures as the function of ultra fine structure of the free surface of PTPC was analyzed applying the method of chemical selective agent of one solvent which diffuse and the method of deposition of decoration from insoluble material which does not diffuse in the volume of liquid. It was established that the development of structures is not a pure optical process but thermal. The speed of movement of the wave of masses in the transversal plane enclosed in the limits 10÷100 µm/s. The structural metric relations of type: Co(x)→Cs(2x2+x), were x=f() characterizes the development of deformation proved applying the experiment of computer. These describe the mechanism of development structures with hexagonal symmetry by the deformation of crater type located on the perimeter of one germination deformation “-C0”.