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Theses – Engineering, 2009

Elaborated theses [11]

Gr Title Approval date
D Research and elaboration of technology of pink wines production with stable chromatic indexe 22.01.2009
05.18.07 - Technology of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks
D Study on the Utilization of Ingredients from Moldovan Regions in the Production of Strong Drinks 22.01.2009
05.18.07 - Technology of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks
DH The cognitive structural approach of creation of intellectual systems of image restoration 22.01.2009
05.13.13 - Computers, computational systems and networks
D Contributions to the study on the precessional gearing teeth processing accuracy 26.02.2009
05.02.02 - Theory of machines and machine elements
D Contributions to research on dynamics of precessional planetary transmissions 26.02.2009
05.02.02 - Theory of machines and machine elements
D Design of the bar structures in inelastic domain 26.02.2009
05.23.01 - Building Elements and Buildings
DH Performance evaluation of computer systems with descriptive restructurable stochasic Petri nets 26.02.2009
05.13.13 - Computers, computational systems and networks
DH Principii teoretice şi practice de fortificare a alimentelor cu micronutrimente: iod, fier, calciu 26.02.2009
05.18.01 - Technology of food products (with specification of products and procedures)
D Researches of iodine fortification of vegetable oils for obtaining of food products 18.06.2009
05.18.01 - Technology of food products (with specification of products and procedures)
DH Thermoelectroconvective phenomena and their applied aspects 01.10.2009
05.14.05 - Heat engineering theory
DH Convertizoare electroenergetice speciale 01.10.2009
05.09.01 - Electromechanics, electric machines, electric drive systems, electrical devices and equipment