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The judiciary work reports of the crew personnel

Author: Bogdan Mitric Marian
Degree:doctor of law
Speciality: 12.00.03 - Private Law (with specification: Civil, Family, Civil Procedure Law, Notary, Business, Informational, Private International, Labour Law, Social Protection Law)
Scientific adviser: Nicolae Romandaş
doctor, professor, Moldova State University
Institution: Free International University of Moldova
Scientific council: DH 30-12.00.03-27.03.08
Moldova State University


The thesis was presented on the 4 December, 2009
Approved by NCAA on the 11 February, 2010


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crew personnel, commercial vessel, charging contract, right to work, freedom of work, individual work contract, work time and rest time, repartition, guarantee of salary rights, crew subsidiary, specific discipline sanctions, work accident, commandeer


Theses structure: introduction, three chapters, conclusions, the bibliography of 304 titles, 9 annexes.

The obtained results are published in 21 scientifical-practical works.

The research domain of the present work consists in the basic analysis of the reglementations of the social relations regarding the judiciary work reports of the crew personnel. The main objectives established for the accomplishing of this investigation were: the analysis of the apparition of the evolution of these relations and their regelementation, the defining of the concept of crew personnel and the identification of its place inside the law branch, etc.

Both the scientifical newity and the originality of the these consisit in the formulation of some conclusions of theoretical and practical kind and the strengthening of the proposals of the ferenda law that would result logically from the investigations realized in the work, contributing to the enriching of the doctrine in the related problems, to the improving of the working legislation, making it more compatible and logically unified with the national and international regelementations that exist already.

The theoretical semnification and the applicative value of the theses consisits in the fact that in the present work is attempted a multilateral approach of the judiciary reglementations that are related to the judiciary reports regarding the crew personnel. In this regard in the work there is realized a complex scientifical analysis of these reports both practically and theoretically; there is used knoweledge from the domain of the theory of the national and international law, as well as from the judiciary practice from this domain.

This material can be of a real help in the adopting, completing and the modification of the legislation in this domain. The theses can serve as didactical support for students, master students and doctor researches of the law faculty, for the specialits in this domain.

The work is also addressed to the persons from the judiciary education and the scientific researches.