StatusThe thesis was presented on the 30 August, 2010Approved by NCAA on the 4 November, 2010 Abstract– 0.43 Mb / in romanian |
The achieved results are reflected in 59 scientific publications.
Thesis structure: introduction, five chapters, conclusions and recommendations, a bibliography of 330 titles, 340 pages.
Goal and objectives: Research of the literary landscape between the rivers Prut and Nistru on two dimensions: the closed and ethno-centered one, on one side; and, on the other side, the opening towards a dialogue with other cultures and literatures. Study of the expression forms, on one side, of the ethnocentrism, and on the other side of the modalities to exit the circle and overcome the closed horizon; study of the dialogue among literatures, of perceiving universal literary values in the cultural space of the Republic of Moldova. An analysis of the consciousness of the modernity as a form of European consciousness, the sacred and the self-definition of the literary character of the sixties; the fractural status of the mythical conscience and the crisis of the loss of the unity with the sacred; salvation through the logos (in the poetry of L.Damian); the intellectualized cognition vs cognizance through Dionysus (in the work of Gr. Vieru); the ethical and the esthetical in the poetry of the sixties; the dissidence as an exit from absence and oblivion (in the creation of P.Goma); the recovery of the authentic (on the basis of the investigation of A.Codru); text – intertext; de-personalization; postmodern poetry and globalization (70s, 80s, and 90s); postmodernism and multiculturalism (in the creation of V.Teleuca); crisis shapes and modern and postmodern legitimacy (in the work of P.Celan and A.Suceveanu); discovering differences and inheriting common culture patterns; receiving literary values on the French, North American and Baltic vectors; the peculiarities of the artistic universe of several writers, all the above aiming at facilitating the access to fundamental values of our literature while contributing to their dissemination within the intercultural circuit.
The Scientific novelty and originality consists of a critical examination of the sine-like itinerary of the ethnocentrism and universalism in the Romanian literature in the Republic of Moldova at different stages after WWII and, partly, between the two world wars, where the emphasis was on developing the premises of these phenomena, as well as on identifying an even more acute critical spirit, driven by what Gianni Vattimo defined as ‘a prospective oriented towards an esthetic redemption of the existence’; proving the fact that Bessarabian literature is part of a context where the determinant element is the effective institution by modern physics of ‘new thinking frameworks and replacing the closed identity logics by the principle of continuous extension with a new logic, the one of the generalization’ (Roger Caillois).
The theoretical significance of this work results from the effort of analyzing the Romanian literature in the Republic of Moldova from the perspectives of new interpretations of modernism as an opening towards universality and the correlation modernism-postmodernism; of the relation ethnocentrism – universalism, of the sacred in literature.
The applied value consists of the importance of the monographic investigations, as well as the comparative side, for a better cognition of our literature and for a better dissemination of the artistic values of the Republic of Moldova both in the context between rivers Prut and Nistru, and in the entire Romanian space, as well as in the world, and at the same time for spurring a more ample opening towards Europeanism and a dialogue between our literature and the literatures of other geographic spaces.
Scientific results implementation. The results of the investigations will be useful in drafting university courses and curricula for undergraduate, postgraduate and Ph.D. students; in preparing agendas for scientific conferences in the area; as a basis for research projects on the literary phenomenon in the ex-Soviet space, as well as the dissemination of the Romanian literary values from the Republic of Moldova.