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CNAA / Theses / 2015 / June /

The evolution of soil cover cartographic interpretation and pedological maps practical us

Author: Curcubăt Stela
Degree:doctor of geography
Speciality: 11.00.11 - Environmental Protection and Rational Utilization of Natural Resources
Scientific adviser: Andrei Ursu
doctor habilitat, professor, Institute of Ecology and Geografy of the ASM
Institution: Institute of Ecology and Geografy of the ASM


The thesis was presented on the 2 June, 2015
Approved by NCAA on the 7 October, 2015


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CZU 631.4: 911.2(043.3)

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148 pages


soil cover, pedological profile, zonality, area, map, legend, cartographic survey, biocenosis


PhD thesis in Geonomic Sciences. Chisinau, 2015. Introduction, 5 Chapters, 118 Pages, 9 General Conclusions, Bibliography of 177 sources, 42 Figures, 2 Table. The results have been published in 21 scientific papers.

Field of research: Pedogeography, soils cartography, history of pedology.

The research purpose consists in the accomplishment of a comparative study based on cartographic material published in different historical periods, interpretation of topsoil cartographic information and the assessment of importance and pedogeographic significance of maps and legends.

The research objectives: Analysis and comparison of pedological maps and their legends during several historical periods, interpretation of cartographic content, cartometric feature of maps, taxonomy and classification systems generalization.

Scientific novelty and originality. For the first time at regional level, the Pedology evolution in different historical periods was presented based on a huge volume of data and maps that characterize the soils evolution at regional level. The evolution of cartographic interpretation of topsoil included in the scientific circuit and soil maps that are little known to the scientific community as well Pedology evolution in different historical periods in the Republic of Moldova has been demonstrated. The studied cartographic material allows the classification and taxonomic systems completion and updating. The results are included in Geographic Information System within the subsystem "Soils" the department "History of Pedology".

Important scientific problemthat has been solved consists to highlight the evolution of soils cartography and geography, typological systems, regional particularities, awareness concerning soils territorial diversity and the developments of science about soils to certain periods of time.

The theoretical significance. For the first time in the Republic of Moldova was carried out a detailed pedo-cartographic study, including comparative analysis of soil maps. Interpretation of existing cartographic material allows the highlighting and scientific assessment of genetic composition of soil taxonomic units. It was highlighted the periodicity soil mapping, conducted cartometric feature of maps.

The practical value of the work. The results will allow a real appreciation of pedo-cartographic information published in various periods. Comparative analysis of soil maps is necessary to perform a review of the soils role in the national economy and conducting cadastral works, agricultural and other fields. The results containing essentially pedological information will enrich academic courses in the higher education.

The implementation of scientific results. The results will provide State Bodies with a scientific base methodologically justified, necessary in taking measures for land resources protection at local and regional level. The researches will provide support information to rationale regional soil conditions, of periodisation, the pedo-cartographic researches, as well as a teaching support for specialists in the field of Pedology, students and pupils.