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CNAA / Theses / 2006 / May /

Fenomenul reduplicării în limba română

Author: Larisa Gurău
Degree:doctor of philology
Speciality: 10.02.01 - Romanian Language
Scientific adviser: Gheorghe Rusnac
doctor, associate professor (docent), Moldova State University
Scientific council:


The thesis was presented on the 12 May, 2006
Approved by NCAA on the 29 June, 2006


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CZU .135.1 (043.2)

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185 pages


linguistic sign, reduplicative creativity, reduplication inside the elements of the words, phonetic symbolism, vocalic reduplication, consonantic reduplication, complex reduplication, affixal reduplication chunks; reduplication among the elements of the combination of words, total intervocal reduplication, partial intervocal reduplication, etc.


The doctor thesis investigates the reduplication in language presenting both scientific and practic interest because it is connected with a series of fundamental problems about wordbuilding, the origin and their evolution, it is demonstrated that the correct concept of this phenomenon contributes to the exact treatment of many problems of prime importance such as the determination of the internal resources of enriching the language, of the means and derivative methods. The reduplication phenomenon lights the determination problem of the hereditary words, of the lingvistic formation created in the own territory and of the old borrowing.

The reduplication phenomenon was created under the creativity and expressivity aspects, and its implementation in the language. The investigation of the reduplication in the Romanian language is effected in a double hypostasis: intervocal and intravocal as a phonic repetition or by member phonosemantic repetition.Multiple variations of the reduplication phenomenon are analyzed.

A separate place in the work is occupied by the theoretical problems proper referring to the notion, mechanism and means of realization of the reduplication phenomenon, its implications into the language, as well as the adjacent theoretical problems: the correlation creativity: language reduplication as a creative - expressive factor, the motivated - non - motivated character of the lingvistic sign, the phonetic symbolism as a manifestation of an eternal motivation, etc.

A positive feature of the investigation grants to the reduplication phenomenon a statute of the method of forming of new lingvistic units, an ingenious mechanism and a complex of substance organization.

As a result of the investigation of this linguistic phenomenon there were some etymological recommendations, the derivational mechanism of reduplication was explained as well as the reduplicative nature of some phonic sequences, we came to certain conclusions that can be applied in the process of teaching the Romanian language (word - building, etymology determination, some aspects of stylistics) both in lyceum and in the institution of higher learning.

The work provides a rich material for drawing out of some special linguistic courses. The scientific investigation under discussion are also useful for the phonetic, morphological, structural, etymological researches, etc.

It is pointed out that the reduplication phenomenon has a various range of implications in the language: as a language form to structure the reality through its “automatisms”, as an active means of enriching the language lexics, as an expressive factor that contributes to the language progress, as an act of linguistic creation leading to the avoidance of wrong interpretation of some etymologies, as an act of euphonic creation, mnemotechnics, etc.

The doctorate thesis points out at first the fact that reduplication realizes rich phonic imitative complexes, susceptible to amplify the semantic resonance of the vocabulary through images and complete connotative acceptance or to express vividly, the referent through a motivation relation sui generis.This is observed especially in onomatopea where the phonic factor is to a high degree active and decisive.

We came to the conclusion that vocalic reduplication shows preference for the vowels i, u, o. Consonantic application gives evident priority to the velars c, g. Complex reduplication is present largely through partial complex and total reduplication. Mixed reduplication is less frequent although it presents a structural modality of maximum acoustic potentiality.

It is remarked that the necessity to realize a more efficient communication brings to the formation of new words by the reduplication of some prefixes and suffixes, but this phenomenon has a limited character being used only in the spoken language occasionally pursuing certain stylistic aims.

The work stresses that reduplication is an active means of enriching the language including to a certain extent the imitative words. This idea is confirmed by the lexemes formed by intravocal reduplication taken from the daily usage and from dictionaries as well as the investigation of numerous reduplicative formation used in the oral popular creation where intervocal reduplication appears abundently.