StatusThe thesis was presented on the 14 June, 2006Approved by NCAA on the 28 September, 2006 Abstract– 0.35 Mb / in romanianThesisCZU 616.3+614.2 (478)
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The gastrointestinal diseases directly depend from such factors as: alimentation, quality of drinking water, environment, life condition, educational level, presence of individual risk factors (smoking, drinking alcohol).
The incidence and mortality caused by gastrointestinal diseases are third for importance in morbidity and mortality of adult population of Republic of Moldova. The home mortality caused by the complicated gastrointestinal diseases takes the first place in the mortality caused by acute surgical states.
The incidence is increased by 1,4 times and the mortality – by 1,2 times in the last years.
Four nozologies predominate in morbidity of gastrointestinal tract: gastric and duodenal ulcer, gastritis and duodenitis, cholic inflammatory disease, pancreatitis, its cumulative incidence is growing in 1,7 times.
The most affected adult people are 42,1±4,5 years old (p<0,001). The disease debut at 34,5±6,7 years old (p<0,001), the duration of diseases are 7,7±3,9 years (p<0,05).
The women are most affected person - 64,8±2,8% (p<0,001).
The other concomitant disease are registered for 67,5±2,9% (p<0,001) interrogates persons; the most usual comorbidity are from digestive system - 39,4±7,2% (p<0,05) and circulatory system 28,6±7,7% (p<0,05).
The less instructed peoples are more affected 42,3±4,3% (p<0,001).
Working peoples are 49,9±8,3% (p<0,001).
The risk factors for developing of gastrointestinal disease was identified for Republic of Moldova.
The first place is take by non-regular alimentation (RA – 82,0%), the second by drinking alcohol (RA – 78,0%), the III – stress (RA – 65,0%). The IV şi V places are take by excess of condiments in alimentation (RA – 61,0%) and smoking (RA – 57,0%). The knowledge of these factors and application of prophylactics permit to prevent the gastrointestinal diseases from 45,0% to 82,0%.
The management of prevent of gastrointestinal disease included most of disciplines for changing a lifestyle and life condition of people in especial of yang person who not developed yet a disease. This concept must represents a basis for health politics, what have to conclude that to prevent is more easy than to treat.