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Развитие устного общения у учащихся на уроках французского языка с использованием метода проекта

Автор: Suhan Claudia
Степень:доктор педагогических наук
Специальность: 13.00.02 - Теория и методология обучения (по предметам)
Научный руководитель: Dumitru Patraşcu
доктор хабилитат, профессор, Кишинёвский Государственный Педагогический Университет им. Ион Крянгэ
Ученый совет:


Диссертация была зашищена 29 апреля 2009
Утверждена Национальным Советом 18 июня 2009


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Ключевые слова

коммуникативное общение, устное общение, коммуникативный процесс, метод проекта, диалог, коммуникативная компетенция, общение в группах, содержание, сотрудничество, активное самостоятельное обучение, автоматическое действие, действующий ученик, транзакция, коммуникативное поведение, предварительный эффект, интерактивные мероприятия, прагматичное обучение


The mentioned thesis is focused on certain aspects that show the problem of building communicative competences to the pupils of lyceum classes in the process of teaching/learning French. These actions are directed to psychological, pedagogical and methodological orientation of verbal-communication in order to structure a methodologically efficient lesson.

Outcoming from the importance of forming the communicative competence in the process of education as a result of the interraction of the pupils with the surrounding world, the communicative competence is determined as a complex of social-linguistic construction.

The essential thesis of using the project method in educational practices was formulated: in order to be efficient the project of teaching must go together with the project of learning and contribute to the formation and development of the learner.

Special attention is paid to educational services of the project method, which develops from its capacity to spread in various fields, thus representing the pragmatical approach of the project functions developing the mental-communicative and investigational competences of the pupils, their active individual thinking capable not only to remember but to reproduce knowledge and use it in practice.

The elaboration and application of the Methodology of developing oral communication of the pupils, points to the educational effects of the project method. It has been proved that the majority of learners show constant interest for the project realization. This leads to the improved efficiency of using it, leading to a formative progress, manifested in the activization of cognitive and verbal interraction with the work partner, intellectual adjustment to the necessities and possibilities of the partner in the process of teaching the pupils different kinds of communicative activities.