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The social and political activity of the national minorities during the events of 1917/1918-1923 and 1989-1994 in Basarabia

Author: Rodica Svetlicinâi
Degree:doctor of history
Speciality: 07.00.02 - History of Romanians (with specification of time period)
Scientific adviser: Leonid Bulmaga
Scientific council:


The thesis was presented on the 3 March, 2006
Approved by NCAA on the 29 June, 2006


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CZU 94(478)”1917/1923+323/324(478)”1989/1994(043.2)

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171 pages


national minority, titular population, russification policy, colonization, integration, etnocultural organizations, behavior, native language, non-discrimination, language of interethnical communication, interethnical relation


The comparative analysis of the social and political activity of the national minorities during the events of 1917/1918 in Basarabia and in R.S.S.M. and their influence are the main purpose of this study. The work presents a try of studying the activity of national minorities in a comparative aspect in this period. The first part of the work stresses the social, economic and cultural situation of the national minorities from Basarabia at the beginning of the 20 th century, especially their activity concerning the political events of the region in Sfatul Ţării.

The second chapter reflect the study referring to the situation of national minorities in R.S.S.M. and their impact in the social-political events in 1989-1991 and the creation of a legislative and institutional fragmentary concerning the national minorities in the Republic of Moldova.

The third chapter is a comparative analysis of the activity and behavior of national minorities in these periods, which underlines their circumstances.

The territory between Nistru and Prut in the Tzarist Empire, then in the Soviet Union influenced the interethnical relations munch. The consequences of the mobilization policy of the population, russification process and the policy of conflicting nationalities led to the foundation of different social, economic and cultural level of the co-existing nationalities from the territory, which produced a variety of interests in 1917-1918 and 1989-1991.

The foundation of a society based on democratic principles was an essential condition in order to undergo these difficulties, with an adequate legislative framework which could assure the national minorities rights and their integration in the society. In muse be mentioned that a positive result will be achieved when the national minorities cooperate.