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Ulcerative colitis and liver pathology: clinical and paraclinical interrelations

Author: Jucov Alina
Degree:doctor of medicine
Speciality: 14.00.05 - Internal Diseases (with specification: Pulmonology, Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Nephrology, Functional Diagnostics and Endoscopy)
Scientific adviser: Svetlana Ţurcan
doctor habilitat, associate professor (docent)
Institution: Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova


The thesis was presented on the 3 April, 2019
Approved by NCAA on the 9 July, 2019


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CZU 616.348-002:616.36-08 (043.2)

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142 pages


ulcerative colitis, chronic hepatitis, hepatitis B virus infection, hepatitis C virus infection, hepatic steatosis, liver disease


The paper is exposed on 142 pages of electronic text. It has the following structure: introduction, 3 chapters, conclusions and recommendations, bibliography of 137 titles. The obtained results are included in 18 scientific papers.

Field of study: Internal diseases (gastroenterology) Aim: of the research was to evaluate occurrence of liver pahology in UC and the influence of liver disease on clinical, paraclinical and evolutionary manifestations of ulcerative colitis.

Objectives of the paper: 1. To determine the frequency and spectrum of liver involvement in UC. 2. To study the frequency of HBV infection in UC and to determine the influence of HBV infection on UC characteristics. 3. To analyze the frequency of HCV infection in UC and to detect the relationship between HCV and UC. 4. To assess the frequency and influence of liver steatosis on UC peculiarities. 5. To elaborate recommendations for the diagnosis of liver disease associated with UC.

Scientific novelty and originality: For the first time in the Republic of Moldova a comprehensive study was performed which focused on assessing the frequency of viral and nonviral liver diseases in patients with UC in the Republic of Moldova, which is a region with a high prevalence of liver diseases, in particular, diseases of viral genesis. The study analyzed the impact of viral hepatitis virus infections on clinical and paraclinical evolution of ulcerative colitis.

The scientific problem solved in the research thesis consists in the determination of the frequency and spectrum of liver diseases in patients with UC in the Republic of Moldova. Patients with UC are at risk for HBV and HCV infection, which has been demonstrated by the much higher level of HBV and HCV in patients compared to blood donors.

Theoretical significance: The negative influence of HBV infection on the clinical and evolutionary characteristics of UC was found. The influence of HCV infection on UC characteristics has not been demonstrated.

Applied value: It has been shown that patients with UC are at high risk for HBV and HCV infection, which dictates the necessity for mandatory screening of viral markers in all patients with UC and especially prior to the initiation of immunomodulatory therapy. The results and practical recommendations developed in the research can be broadly applied in the training of gastroenterologists and will serve as a scientific support to enhance the quality of life of UC patients with associated liver diseases.

Implementation of the results: The results of the research are implemented in the therapeutic activity of the Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology of the Reрubliсаn Сliniсal Hospital, having an impact on early detection of liver diseases in order to organize the proper management of the treatment of choice, as well as to prevent complications.