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Structural and Semantic Particularities of Legal Terminology of the ECHR in the English language

Author: Fiodorov Victoria
Degree:doctor of philology
Speciality: 10.02.04 - Germanic Languages (with specification of language)
Scientific adviser: Ion Dumbraveanu
doctor habilitat, professor, Moldova State University
Institution: Moldova State University


The thesis was presented on the 29 August, 2019
Approved by NCAA on the 27 September, 2019


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CZU 811.111'276.6:34 (043.3)

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186 pages


term, legal term, terminology, metalanguage, terminology, determinology, syntagmatic composition, synapse, context, polysemy, synonymy


Thesis structure: annotation, introduction, 3 chapters, general conclusions and recommendations, bibliography of 174 titles, 139 basic text pages, 11 tables, 2 figures and 6 annexes. The results of the present study were published in 8 scientific articles.

Field of study: normative English legal terminology extracted from the judgments and decisions adopted by the European Court for Human Rights ( ECHR).

The aim and objectives of the paper are to deepen and develop the terminological inventory of the ECHR jurisprudence and to analyse the structural and semantic peculiarities of English legal terms, research which will facilitate their analysis, focus on their particularities and show the way of functioning of the legal terms within the studied corpus.

The scientific novelty and originality of the dissertation resides in carrying out a fundamental and interdisciplinary fundamental research of English legal terminology based on the available corpus of ECHR terms, to highlight the semantic and structural features of this field as well as some language interferences of English legal terminology. The important scientific problem solved in the field of investigation lies in determining the impact of existing semantic relations between the terms on the meaning, as well as identifying the differences of conceptualization between the English and Romanian legal terms in the investigated field.

The theoretical value of the research consists in identifying and describing the structural and semantic particularities of the English legal terms of the ECHR in English, as well as their typology and classification. We consider that our attempt to broaden the field of language research is significant through the interdisciplinary investigation approach of the ECHR legal terms in English.

The practical value of the research lies in the implementation of the proposed recommendations in the study of legal terminology, in the correct use of the English legal terms in the context of the normative acts, and the conclusions of research can be used to compile university courses concerning terminology, translation studies and also legal English. The factual material that was used in this research could be used in the development of an online dictionary (or glossary) of ECHR legal terms that would serve as a translation guide both for translators as well as for specialized institutions in the field (Ministry of Justice).

Implementation of scientific results: the scientific results have been published in articles and studies; contributions to national and international conferences; the elaboration of the English-Romanian glossary of legal terms of the ECHR.