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Daily life in the town Chisinau at the beginning of the 20th century (1900-1918)

Author: Sava Lucia
Degree:doctor of history
Speciality: 07.00.02 - History of Romanians (with specification of time period)
Scientific adviser: Emil Dragnev
doctor, associate professor (docent), Moldova State University
Scientific council:


The thesis was presented on the 30 November, 2007
Approved by NCAA on the 28 February, 2008


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CZU 908 (478-25) „1900/1918” (043.3)

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208 pages


daily life, urbane habitat, modernization and urbanization, way of living, sanitation, ensurance of the inhabitants with drinkable water, streets illumination, telephone communication networks, public buildings, outer and interior circulation, clothing, food, urbane trade, income and expeses, entertainment, manners, underworld, local authorities, the 20th century, private/public, urbane society, community life, complex patterns and principles of life


The research of the most important aspects of the problem concerning the style of daily life of the inhabitants of Chisinau (urban habitat, clothing, food, income and expenses, entertainment, manners) allowed us to create an ampler vision about the evolution of Chisinau society at the beginning of a new century. The study of the documents from archives and of the periodical press favoured the improvement of our knowledge and the distinction in the pages of the work of the following characteristic features of the style of life in Chisinau.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the urban habitat of Chisinau knows an ample urbanizing and modernizing process, seen in the outevard aspect of the city as well as in the improvement of the conditions of life of its inhabitants. The actions concerning the modernization and reconstruction are accompanied by the sanitation service, the ensurance of the population with drinkable water, streets illumination (lighting up), the installation of the telephone communication network, which justify the transformation of Chisinau into a real urbane centre. Progress is also made within infrastructure (transportation, roads, highways, bridges). Conceived in a strong relationship with the mentality and way of life, the clothing of the population from Chisinau (female, male) was marked by a variety of tendencies, being associated with a good taste and manners, as well as being associated with the social category to which the person belonged to. The clothing of the inhabitations of Chisinau knew a remarkable evolution, being adjusted to daily circumstances, it became more practical, simpler, more comfortable.

The nourishment of the inhabitants of Chisinau, is also very varied, from the point of view of cooking as well as from the point of view of the public building the food was served. The food regime has a traditional character, including as a rule, three meals a day. The complexity of the meal depended on the material situation and also on the moral principles of each family or person.

The world of the urbane city of Chisinau was very varied and the income obtained by the inhabitants of the city during the mentioned period depended on the personal wealth, job, family situation, and economic and social conjuncture.

The attested entertainment, as a way of spending the leisure time, are very complex and have a varied content. From those which aime at intelectual development (theatre, film, reading, visits at museums), to those which constitute a simple relaxation like: walking in the park or playing cards, all the described modalities are, actually, attitudes, patterns of behaviour of the daily life and of the outlook of the population from Chisinau at the beginning of a new century.

From the moral point of view, Chisinau is confronted with a series of problems like: alcohol, smoking, the actions of hooliganism of the underworld, prostitution which causes a great number of diseases, and others, which contribute to the moral degradation of its inhabitants still, in general, society has moral principles and values, which allow the harmonious developments of its people.

Therefore, during 1900-1918, the daily life of the inhabitants of Chisinau knew great changes under all its major aspects: habitat, clothing, food, income and expenses, entertainment and moral principles which had deep implications in the process of modernization and urbanization of the city as well as for the entire society.