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Parties and political organizations in Basarabia in the period of 1905-1907 revolution

Author: Silvia Dulschi
Degree:doctor of history
Speciality: 07.00.02 - History of Romanians (with specification of time period)
Scientific adviser: Ion Varta
Institution: Institute of History of the ASM
Scientific council: DH 15-07.00.02-27.03.08
Institute of History of the ASM


The thesis was presented on the 11 April, 2008
Approved by NCAA on the 19 June, 2008


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145 pages


Political party, political system, the doctrine, ideology, party system, the party program, multi-party system, opposition party, the party block, party fraction, strike, boycott, emancipating movement, revolutionary movement, national movement, populism, liberalism, socialism, conservatism, monarchism, anarchism, sionism, anti-semitism, marxism, autocracy


The doctor thesis in historical sciences „Parties and political organizations in Basarabia in the period of 1905-1907 revolution” is aimed at scientific research of some important problems of the political life in Basarabia at the beginning of 20th century, poorly studied before. Within the thesis the author tried to rebuild the socio-political environment in the region within the framework of genesis, evolution and activities of the political parties in the revolution period 1905-1907.

The paperwork covers methodological approaches of the following definitions „political party”, „multi-parties”, „systems of parties” and classification criteria of the parties; it also reveals the genesis of political parties at the level of empire and region; it includes a brief description of the most influent parties in Russia; there are some quantitative and qualitative analysis of the most prominent parties in Basarabia, estimating their impact over socio-political life in the region; it describes the tactics and the struggle means used by the main parties as well as the relationship between them.

The thesis paper tries to contest some improvised myths of Moldavian soviet Marxist historiography regarding the exclusive role played by the socio-democratic party in the independence move, decrease of „non-proletarian” and national parties role as well as their blaming.

On the basis of the archive documents there is an important volume of information introduced to public regarding the activity of socio-revolutionary, constitutional-democratic parties, of the Russian People Union and some personalities that have promoted the political ideology of the parties that they belonged to, such as Galatan, Nour, Vantu, Puriskevici, Crusevan. A separate chapter of the thesis is dedicated to the process of the introduction of the national emancipation ideology and the activities carried out by the leaders of the basarabian society such as B. P. Hasdeu, C. Stere, E. Gavrilita, I. Pelivan, P. Halippa.

The key message of the thesis is that the events occurred at the beginning of the 20th century in Russia were of an importance that has overcame the geographical and chronological limits of the empire, opening the way to the socio-political life democratization and realization of the desire of tens and hundreds of million of people. For Basarabia this was the beginning of the national renaissance, return to national authentic values. The role and scope of the political parties as ideas generation, organization and implementation was one of the most important in the process of social and national emancipation.