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CNAA / Theses / 2021 / May /

Flood Risk in the Prut River floodplain, downstream the Costesti-Stinca

Author: Căpățînă Lucia
Degree:doctor of
Speciality: 11.00.11 - Environmental Protection and Rational Utilization of Natural Resources
Scientific adviser: Valentin Sofroni
doctor habilitat, professor, Tiraspol State University
Scientific consultant: Maria Nedealcov
doctor habilitat, professor, Institute of Ecology and Geografy of the ASM
Institution: Tiraspol State University


The thesis was presented on the 14 May, 2021
Approved by NCAA on the 30 July, 2021


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148 pages


flood risk, Total Risk Index, flood risk management plan, vulnerability, hazard.


Thesis in Geonomic Sciences

Content of Thesis:Introduction, 4 chapters, general conclusions, 160 references, 112 base text pages, 14 tables, 34 figures, and 11 annexes. The results obtained were published in 19 research papers.

Keywords: flood risk, Total Risk Index, flood risk management plan, vulnerability, hazard. Aim of the research is to carry out the flood risk analysis in the research area by modelling while making use of the specific indicators and linking the results with such obtained as part of the historical data analysis, in order to develop a flood risk management plan for the Prut River floodplain, downstream the Costesti-Stinca.

Research objectives: • description of the research area through the flood risk occurence; • analysis of the historic floods within the research area; • flood risk assessment in the Prut River floodplain downstream the Costesti-Stinca reservoir; • analysis of national and European regulations in the field of flood risk management; • development of the flood risk management plan in the research area; • designing specific measures for the research area while ensuring the effective food risk management.

Scientific novelty and originality: The scientific novelty of the thesis lies with the calculation of flood risk indices (environmental, economic and social) as well as the Total Flood Risk Index for the research area by adapting the index to the conditions and specific properties of the research area. The results obtained can be used as the base for calculating this index at the level of the two hydrographic basin districts – the Danube-Prut and the Black Sea and the Dniester. Likewise, was developed the flood risk map of the Prut floodplain downstream the Costesti-Stinca reservoir and presented the spatial analysis of the flood risk across the research area; at the national level was carried out the preliminary flood risk assessment in accordance with the 2007/60/EC Directive, further used to develop risk and hazard maps without an in-deep analysis; this action will be done in the next cycle of plans development. Thus, the developed flood risk map can serve as an example in this regard.

The solved scientific problem consists in flood risk estimation for the localities within the Prut floodplain and development of the flood risk management plan with specific actions meant to minimize the impact on the population, economy and environment.

The theoretical importance: For the first time, the Flood Risk Indices (environmental, economic and social) and the Total Flood Risk Index were calculated for the research area along with the estimation of the flood risk for the Prut River floodplain. The application value of the work: A detailed spatial analysis of the flood risk for the Prut floodplain, downstream the Costesti-Stinca was presented; the flood risk management plan for the research area was developed.

The implementation of scientific results: The scientific results have been implemented by central authorities to the development of the Government Decision on Flood risk management plan in Danube-Prut and Black Sea river basin district and the Management plan of the Danube-Prut and Blach Sea river basin district (cycle II). Flood risk calculation model has been implemented by the Exceptional Situations Department of Chisinau for the Flood risk maps development.