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Traditions and innovations in the Romanian Pan Flute art at the confluence of the 20th-21st centuries

Author: Druță Andrei
Degree:doctor of history and Theory of Arts, Cultorology
Speciality: 17.00.01 - Audio-visual Arts (with specification: Theatrical Art; Musical Art; Cinematography, TV and other form of Audio-Visual Arts)
Scientific adviser: Diana Bunea
doctor, associate professor (docent)
Institution: Academy of Music of the Theatre and Fine Arts


The thesis was presented on the 27 April, 2023 at the meeting of the Scientific Council and now it is under consideration of the National Council.


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CZU 780.641.6.036(478+498)(043.2)

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164 pages


Pan Flute, performing art, innovation, the art of the making of the Pan Flute, the technical improvement, the original repertoire for the Pan Flute, musical educati


The thesis includes the following sections: annotations, introduction, four chapters, general conclusions and recommendations, 132 pages of the basic text, bibliography comprising 196 sources, 13 figures, 4 tables, 40 examples, annexes.

Field of study: Musical folklore, organology.

The purpose and objectives of the research. The purpose is to elucidate the particularities of the performing art at the Pan Flute at the confluence of the 20th-21st centuries in the Romanian area. Objectives: revealing the peculiarities of the historical path of Pan Flute and its impact in the Romanian and international culture; highlighting the importance of musical education in the development of the Pan Flute art; identifying innovative changes in the field of Pan Flute making and the role of craftsmen in this process; diachronic investigation of performing techniques of the Pan Flute; analysis of contemporary techniques of the Pan Flute and the contributions of famous Pan Flute players to their development; examination of the new performing approaches based on the original and transcribed repertoire the for this instrument.

The important scientific problem solved lies in creating a wide systemic vision of the Pan Flute performing art in the context of tradition and innovation. The results of the research will contribute to the elimination of the discrepancy between the achievements of contemporary Pan Flute performing art and the absence of theoretical studies on it, and to the knowledge and evaluation of the processes of development and affirmation of the Romanian Pan Flute in the artistic life at national and international level.

The theoretical significance of the thesis reflects the scientific argumentation of the role of the Pan Flute in the national and universal musical culture and in providing a basis for further research in various directions. The investigations in the field of organology diversify the knowledge of the achievements of performing art at this instrument.

Scientific novelty and originality is conditioned by the fact that so far, the Pan Flute, as a musical instrument of heritage, has not been an object of scientific study in the Republic of Moldova. For the first time in the thesis, were elucidated the key factors of the evolution of the performing art on Pan Flute, in the defined period: modernization of the Pan Flute construction; musical education, the innovations in the performing art. Based on this research, a complex view of the evolution of the Pan Flute art during the second half of the 20th century to date has been elaborated, the role of this instrument in contemporary national and universal culture has been assessed. The originality of thesis is also determined by the synthesis of historiographical, musicological, organology and culturology approaches on the investigated problems.

The applicative value of the thesis. The scientific results of the thesis can be used on future researches on organology, musical folklore, contemporary music etc., in the teaching courses of Instrument (Pan Flute), Romanian music folklore, History of national music, History of the folk instrumental performing art, Theory of instruments, Theory of interpretation and Methodology of interpretation on wind instruments, at all levels of music education in the Republic of Moldova.

Implementation of scientific results. The thesis was elaborated at the doctoral school Study of Arts and Culturology of AMTAP, including the academic mobility Erasmus+, at the National University of Music G. Enescu from Iași, Romania, discussed and recommended for defending by the mentoring commission on 30th of January, 2023. The results, reflecting the main postulates of the thesis, were approved in the 8 published articles presented at scientific conferences in the Republic of Moldova, Romania, Ukraine.