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Theses – Medicine, 2023

Elaborated theses [6]

Gr Title Approval date
D Multimodal surgical treatment of patients with columnar epithelial metaplasia of the esophageal mucosa 24.02.2023
14.00.27 - Surgery
D Diagnosis and treatment of varicose veins complicated with acute superficial vein thrombosis 24.02.2023
14.00.27 - Surgery
D Value estimation and comparison of diagnostic methods for primary retroperitoneal tumours 24.02.2023
14.00.27 - Surgery
D Particuliarities of the diagnosis and treatment of thyroid carcinoma associated with autoimmune thyroiditis 24.02.2023
14.00.14 - Oncology and Radiotherapy
DH Clinical, imaging, functional and microbiological manifestations of bronchiectasis in adults 24.02.2023
14.00.05 - Internal Diseases (with specification: Pulmonology, Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Nephrology, Functional Diagnostics and Endoscopy)
DH Development of family medicine-based primary care in the republic of moldova and effectiveness determinants 24.02.2023
14.00.33 - Social Medicine and Management