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Theses – Medicine, 2007

Elaborated theses [64]

Gr Title Approval date
D The complex diagnostic and the video-assisted thoracoscopic treatment of the hydatid lung cyst 18.01.2007
14.00.27 - Surgery
D The complex surgical treatment of necrotic suppurative lesions in the diabetic foot 18.01.2007
14.00.27 - Surgery
D Chemoimmunotherpy for malignant melanoma in different stages 18.01.2007
14.00.14 - Oncology and Radiotherapy
D Screening, prevention and treatment of hypothyroidism in pregnancy 18.01.2007
14.00.01 - Obstetrics and Gynecology
D The management of diagnostics pulmonary tumours in ambulatory conditions 18.01.2007
14.00.14 - Oncology and Radiotherapy
D Estimation of health status and optimization of medical assistance for students of academy “Stefan cel Mare” of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Republic of Moldova 18.01.2007
14.00.33 - Social Medicine and Management
D The complex treatment optimalization of mandibular fractures 18.01.2007
14.00.21 - Stomatology
D The health consequences of Chernobyl nuclear accident: deficiencies, inabilities, invalidity (at persons who participate at liquidation of catastrophe from Chernobyl Nuclear Electric Central) 18.01.2007
14.00.33 - Social Medicine and Management
D Peculiarities of the diagnosis and treatment of traumatic pancreatic injuries 18.01.2007
14.00.27 - Surgery
D Evaluation and diagnosis of the environmentally induced gastroduodenal disorders at children 01.03.2007
14.00.09 - Pediatrics
D Psycho-autonomic peculiarities in children with syndrome of irritable bowel syndrome 01.03.2007
14.00.09 - Pediatrics
D Diagnostic and treatment aspects of the thymoma with myasthenic syndrome 01.03.2007
14.00.27 - Surgery
DH The etiopthogenic aspects of primary multiple cancer of hormone dependent organs of women 01.03.2007
14.00.14 - Oncology and Radiotherapy
D Clinical aspects and morphofunctional treatment of patients with occlusal disorders 01.03.2007
14.00.21 - Stomatology
D The particularities of clinical course and complex treatment of duodenal ulcer in elderly patients 19.04.2007
14.00.05 - Internal Diseases (with specification: Pulmonology, Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Nephrology, Functional Diagnostics and Endoscopy)
D ”Acute gastroduodenal bleeding ulcer: etiopathogenetical, clinico-endoscopical features, and treatment 01.03.2007
14.00.27 - Surgery
D The management of recuperation of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 19.04.2007
14.00.05 - Internal Diseases (with specification: Pulmonology, Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Nephrology, Functional Diagnostics and Endoscopy)
D Pulmonary tuberculosis in intern’s practice: errors in diagnosis 19.04.2007
14.00.26 - Phtisiopneumology
DH Functional endoscopic sinus surgery in children 19.04.2007
14.00.04 - Otorhinolaryngology
D Medical-Social and Psychological Aspects of Preschool Children’s Health from Monoparental Families in the Rural Area 19.04.2007
14.00.33 - Social Medicine and Management
D The consideration of optimization of the Lyme borreliosis epidemiological surveillance 19.04.2007
14.00.30 - Epidemiology
D The histological and ultrastructural peculiarities of peritoneal ovarian cancer metastatis 19.04.2007
14.00.14 - Oncology and Radiotherapy
D Complex treatment of distal radius fractures and its consequences 14.06.2007
14.00.22 - Orthopedics and Traumatology
D Electrophysiological monitoring in the process of diagnosis, surgical treatment and rehabilitation of patients with spinal meningiomas 14.06.2007
14.00.28 - Neurosurgery
D The Epidemiology of Post-traumatic Osteitis and Some Methods of Its Control 14.06.2007
14.00.30 - Epidemiology
D Surgical attitude above the focus of postoperative peritonitis on dependency of its localization in peritoneal cavity 14.06.2007
14.00.27 - Surgery
D Endoscopical diagnosis and treatment of complicated biliary obstructions with mechanical jaundice 14.06.2007
14.00.27 - Surgery
D Hidrocaliconephrosis at children, methods of diagnostics and treatment 14.06.2007
14.00.40 - Urology
DH Active precocious surgical treatment in prophilaxis and therapy of visceral affections in patients with serious thermal lesions 14.06.2007
14.00.27 - Surgery
D The immunoreglatory activity of the preparation BioR on treatment of lung tubercular patients 14.06.2007
14.00.36 - Laboratorial Diagnostics; Immunology and Alergology
D Some pharmacological aspects of hypertensive diastolic dysfunction: nonselective beta-adrenoblockade versus third generation dihydropiridine 14.06.2007
14.00.06 - Cardiology and Reumatology
D Influence of cardiac glycosides on pro- and antioxidant systems in normal and hyperbaric oxygenation conditions in acute heart failure 14.06.2007
14.00.25 - Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology
D Participation of cathepsin L in collagen degradation during the regression of experimental hepatic cirrhosis 14.06.2007
14.00.15 - Pathological Anatomy
D Possibilities of contemporary radioimaging methods in diagnosis duodenal malrotation and its consequences. 14.06.2007
14.00.19 - Medical Imagistics
D Frequency, clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of post-BCG complications at children 14.06.2007
14.00.26 - Phtisiopneumology
D Community-acquired pneumonia: clinical course and management 20.09.2007
14.00.05 - Internal Diseases (with specification: Pulmonology, Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Nephrology, Functional Diagnostics and Endoscopy)
D Genomic heterogeneity of Helicobacter pylori in gastroduodenal ulcer and the efficacy of treatment 20.09.2007
14.00.05 - Internal Diseases (with specification: Pulmonology, Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Nephrology, Functional Diagnostics and Endoscopy)
D Particularities of affecting the foetus and the newborn in intrauterine infection 20.09.2007
14.00.15 - Pathological Anatomy
D The morphogenesis of some congenital immunodeficiences 20.09.2007
14.00.15 - Pathological Anatomy
D Dental care under the compulsory medical insurance in the urban population of the Republic of Moldova 14.06.2007
14.00.21 - Stomatology
D Clinical, immunological pecularities and treatment optimization in acute C viral hepatitis in young and average persons 20.09.2007
14.00.10 - Infections Diseases
D Morpho-biochemical correlation in hemorrhagic shock pathogenesis 20.09.2007
14.00.16 - Normal and Pathological Physiology
D Rheumatoid Arthritis: psychosomatic relationships 20.09.2007
14.00.06 - Cardiology and Reumatology
D Optimising preoperator assistance at pacient with breast cancer amenable to radiotherapy and chemotherapy 20.09.2007
14.00.37 - Anaesthesiology and Reanimathology
D Change of clinical and physiological parameters under influence of active oxygen in complex intensive therapy in acute cerebral ischemia 20.09.2007
14.00.37 - Anaesthesiology and Reanimathology
D Epidemiological characteristic and perfecting surveillance sistem of the adverse reactions in the Republic of Moldova 20.09.2007
14.00.30 - Epidemiology
D Cranial cerebral trauma associated with fractures of the tubular bones in children Diagnostic algorithm optimization 20.09.2007
14.00.28 - Neurosurgery
D Peculiarities of diagnostics and treatment in the superior congenital radiocubital synostosis in children 20.09.2007
14.00.22 - Orthopedics and Traumatology
D Rheumatoid Arthritis in men: clinical-evolutionary and laboratory features 20.09.2007
14.00.06 - Cardiology and Reumatology
D Clinical-Evolutionary Features, Indexes of Lipid Peroxidation and Antioxidant System in Gout 20.09.2007
14.00.06 - Cardiology and Reumatology
D Evaluation of the workers’ health state of the wine - making enterprises in relation with occupational conditions 18.10.2007
14.00.07 - Hygiene
DH The morphology of the extra- and intraorganic neurovascular apparatus of the hepatoligamentary complex 18.10.2007
14.00.02 - Human Anatomy
D The scientific exposition of the malign tumour detection peculiarities in rural population 18.10.2007
14.00.33 - Social Medicine and Management
D Stomatological services rendered to the population in conditions of urban private medical structures 20.12.2007
14.00.21 - Stomatology
D Value of the probe method in intraorbital foreign bodies’ localization 20.12.2007
14.00.19 - Medical Imagistics
D The vesiculography in determination of local spread degree of bladder and prostate cancers 20.12.2007
14.00.19 - Medical Imagistics
DH Ethiopathogenetic, clinic and therapeutic considerations in juvenile chronic arthritis 20.12.2007
14.00.06 - Cardiology and Reumatology
D Modificările hemodinamice la pacienţii cu pielonefrită cronică în diferite stadii de insuficienţă renală cronică 20.12.2007
14.00.05 - Internal Diseases (with specification: Pulmonology, Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Nephrology, Functional Diagnostics and Endoscopy)
D The contemporary diagnosis and surgical treatment of hiatal hernias of esophagus 20.12.2007
14.00.27 - Surgery
D Clinical and morphological aspects of diagnosis and treatment of vulvar pretumour (leukoplakia, kraurosis and mixed forms) 20.12.2007
14.00.14 - Oncology and Radiotherapy
D Clinical and Para-clinical findings of endometrial cancer with different expression level of biogenic amines 20.12.2007
14.00.14 - Oncology and Radiotherapy
D Clinic and during the paranoid forms of schizophrenia till 25 years 20.12.2007
14.00.18 - Psihiatrics and Narcology
D Clinical-evaluative and therapeutic peculiarities of the non-psychotic depression at anxious persons 20.12.2007
14.00.18 - Psihiatrics and Narcology
D The Management of marketing of medical institutions 20.12.2007
14.00.33 - Social Medicine and Management