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Title |
Approval date |
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Сlinical and epidemiological aspects and individual prognosis of infertile marriages in Republic of Moldova |
24.01.2008 |
14.00.01 - Obstetrics and Gynecology |
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Оptimization of education for health activity and promoting of a healthy lifestyle
in new socio-economical conditions |
24.01.2008 |
14.00.33 - Social Medicine and Management |
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Prognosis of the Patients with Non ST Elevation Acute Coronary Syndrome Associated with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 during Follow-up |
24.01.2008 |
14.00.06 - Cardiology and Reumatology |
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Functional particularities of vascular pulmonary and systemical reactivity for patients with pulmonary hypertension and cardiac dysfunction |
28.02.2008 |
14.00.06 - Cardiology and Reumatology |
DH |
Essential hypertension: neuro formous and affective abnormality (clinical investigation and treatment strategy) |
24.01.2008 |
14.00.06 - Cardiology and Reumatology |
DH |
The comparative characteristic of the efficacy of prophylaxis and treatment methods for bleeding esophageal and gastric varices in portal hypertension |
28.02.2008 |
14.00.27 - Surgery |
DH |
Actualităţi în epidemiologia, etiopatogeneza, diagnosticul, tratamentul şi profilaxia tumorilor maligne. Tratamentul complicaţiilor cancerului gastric |
28.02.2008 |
14.00.14 - Oncology and Radiotherapy |
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Clinical, immunological characteristics and optimization of erysipelas |
17.04.2008 |
14.00.10 - Infections Diseases |
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Mother-to-Child transmission of HIV and prophylactic treatment |
17.04.2008 |
14.00.10 - Infections Diseases |
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The syndrom of „floppy neurogenic child”, the pecularities of diagnosis and treatment |
17.04.2008 |
14.00.13 - Neurology |
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New therapeutical aspects of effected cornea with superficial defect |
17.04.2008 |
14.00.08 - Ophthalmology |
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The diagnostic and surgery management of malignant colorectal occlusion |
19.06.2008 |
14.00.27 - Surgery |
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Contributions to the study of carbohydrate metabolism, bone remodelling and influence of some algal biological preparations with different content of Zn in experimental osteoporosis |
19.06.2008 |
03.00.04 - Biochemistry |
DH |
The diagnostics and surgical treatment of liver cirrhosis complications. |
19.06.2008 |
14.00.27 - Surgery |
DH |
Scientific rationale for the Mandatory Healthcare Insurance Development Strategy in the Republic of Moldova” |
19.06.2008 |
14.00.33 - Social Medicine and Management |
DH |
Surgical sepsis. Actual trends in ethiopathogenesis and modalities of improvement of the treatment results |
19.06.2008 |
14.00.27 - Surgery |
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Clinical and evolutional peculiarities of pneumonia in patients with diabetes mellitus |
19.06.2008 |
14.00.05 - Internal Diseases (with specification: Pulmonology, Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Nephrology, Functional Diagnostics and Endoscopy) |
DH |
Cerebro-vascular insufficiency in disabled persons afte cranio-cerebrale trauma (neurological and medico-social aspects) |
19.06.2008 |
14.00.13 - Neurology |
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Elaboration of the model of early intervention services for children with disabilities in Republic of Moldova |
19.06.2008 |
14.00.33 - Social Medicine and Management |
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Cardioprotecting action of statins in patients with important cardiovascular risk undergoing anthracycline-containing therapy |
18.09.2008 |
14.00.06 - Cardiology and Reumatology |
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Variants of clinical evolution and prognosisi of patients with ischemic heart disease after non-ST elevation acute coronary event |
18.09.2008 |
14.00.06 - Cardiology and Reumatology |
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Optimization of endoscopic sinus surgery in children with recurrent and chronic rhinosinusitis |
19.06.2008 |
14.00.04 - Otorhinolaryngology |
DH |
Urinary tract infection in malformative uropathies in children. Clinic - paraclinic and medico-surgical aspects |
19.06.2008 |
14.00.40 - Urology |
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Adjuvant therapy in the complex treatment of acute severe pancreatitis |
18.09.2008 |
14.00.37 - Anaesthesiology and Reanimathology |
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Surgical treatment of carpal injuries and their consequences |
18.09.2008 |
14.00.22 - Orthopedics and Traumatology |
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Treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with bronchodilators |
18.09.2008 |
14.00.05 - Internal Diseases (with specification: Pulmonology, Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Nephrology, Functional Diagnostics and Endoscopy) |
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Iron deficiency prophylaxis during pregnancy |
18.09.2008 |
14.00.01 - Obstetrics and Gynecology |
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Diagnosis and surgical treatment of craniofacial tumors |
18.09.2008 |
14.00.14 - Oncology and Radiotherapy |
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Clinico-morphological aspects of “occult” and incipient thyroid cancer |
18.09.2008 |
14.00.14 - Oncology and Radiotherapy |
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Optimization of early diagnoses and treatment of patients with acute lung injury / acute respiratory distress syndrome |
23.10.2008 |
14.00.37 - Anaesthesiology and Reanimathology |
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Neurochirurgia endoscopică a herniei discale lombare (studiu comparativ) |
18.09.2008 |
14.00.28 - Neurosurgery |
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The peculiarities of surgical treatment of atrial septal defect for adults |
23.10.2008 |
14.00.44 - Cardiovascular Surgery |
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Efficiency of primary and repeated endoscopic hemostasis in non-variceal upper gastrointestinal bleedin |
23.10.2008 |
14.00.27 - Surgery |
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Endovascular treatment of cerebral arterio-venous мalformations and carotido- cavernous fistulae |
23.10.2008 |
14.00.28 - Neurosurgery |
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Clinical, hormonal and metabolic features
of the primary determined diabetus mellitus in patients aged 30 – 45 years old
23.10.2008 |
14.00.03 - Endocrinology |
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Optimization of primary health care services through implementation of modern managerial methods |
23.10.2008 |
14.00.33 - Social Medicine and Management |
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The aspects of the pathogenesis and treatment of the primary glaucoma |
23.10.2008 |
14.00.08 - Ophthalmology |
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Combined spinal – epidural anesthesia for cesarian section |
23.10.2008 |
14.00.37 - Anaesthesiology and Reanimathology |