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Theses – Philology, 2005

Elaborated theses [15]

Gr Title Approval date
D Trăsăturile structural – semantice ale subiectului în limba română 22.12.2005
10.02.01 - Romanian Language
D Structural and semantic analysis of economic management terminology in Romanian language 21.04.2005
10.02.01 - Romanian Language
D Receptarea poeziei lamartiniene în literatura română din secolul al XIX-lea 24.02.2005
10.01.06 - World and Comparative Literature
D Gustave Flaubert şi literatura română 24.02.2005
10.01.06 - World and Comparative Literature
D Incantation of the Romanians: History and Actuality 24.02.2005
10.01.09 - Folklore
DH The toponymy of the Republic of Moldova: an etymological, lexical-semantic and derivational study and the principles of its regulation 27.01.2005
10.02.01 - Romanian Language
D Frazeologisme arhaice: expresie şi conţinut 21.04.2005
10.02.01 - Romanian Language
D Umberto Eco şi retorica romanului postmodernist 24.02.2005
10.01.06 - World and Comparative Literature
D Particularităţi de realizare a conexiunilor discursive (în baza substitutelor nominale din limba franceză) 22.09.2005
10.02.05 - Romance Languages (with specification of language)
D Verbele tranzitive în limba română 22.09.2005
10.02.01 - Romanian Language
D The mith of Orpheus in the contemporary theatre 27.10.2005
10.01.06 - World and Comparative Literature
DH The novelistic representation of the Parisian woman in French literature from the second half of the XX-th century 27.10.2005
10.01.06 - World and Comparative Literature
D The prose's universe of Vlad Ioviţă 22.12.2005
10.01.01 - Romanian Literature
D The typology of lyrical I in the contemporary poetry ( 60`s – 80`s of XXth century ) 22.12.2005
10.01.01 - Romanian Literature
DH Literary sources of iconography programs of medieval Moldavian mural painting 22.12.2005
10.01.01 - Romanian Literature