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Psychosocial dimensions of personal development of teacher

Author: Vrabii Violeta
Degree:doctor of psychology
Speciality: 19.00.05 - Social Psychology
Scientific adviser: Aglaida Bolboceanu
doctor habilitat, professor
Institution: Institute of Education Sciences


The thesis was presented on the 1 February, 2019
Approved by NCAA on the 15 March, 2019


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CZU 37.015.3(043.3)

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212 pages


autoeficacitate, automotivare, dimensiune afectivă, dimensiune cognitivă, dimensiune motivațională, dezvoltare personală, cadru didactic, maturitate emoțională, dimensiuni psihosociale ale dezvoltării personale. Domeniul de studiu: psihologia socială a cadrului didactic


Thesis structure. The thesis includes introduction, three chapters, conclusions and recommendations, 176 titles of bibliography, 18 annexes, 128 pages of basic text, 14 figures, 29 tables. The results of the research was publish in 18 scientific articles.

The field of research: social psychology of teacher.

The research purpose: The determination of the psychosocial dimensions of personal development of teacher and the implementation of program Teacher personal development from a psychosocial perspective.

Research objectives: theoretical analysis of the psychosocial dimensions of personal development of teacher; identification of teacher's opinion concerning the need of personal development; determining the ratio of constituents of the affective-motivational dimensions of teacher's personal development; conceptual argument of psychosocial dimensions of teacher's personal development and validation of the model Teacher personal development from a psychosocial perspective.

The scientific novelty lies in the theoretical systematization of psychosocial dimensions of teacher's personal development; structuring the system of idea, personal motivation regarding the need of personal development; determining the ratio of constituents of the affective – motivational dimensions, also show differences by personal peculiarities of age and profession; elaboration of the model and program of the Teacher personal development from a psychosocial perspective.

The researched scientific problem lies in theoretical and practical foundation of the psychosocial dimensions of personal development of teachers, which led to the elaboration of the concept of the model Teacher personal development from a psychosocial perspective, of the program and the action, thus ensuring teacher personal development in dimensions of cognitive, affective and motivational. Theoretical significance consists of the definition of personal development from the perspective of psychological, psychosocial, pedagogical; determining constructs that include elements of the personal development of the teacher; determining the ratio of the components of psychosocial dimension of personal development of teachers; elaborating the model Teacher personal development from a psychosocial perspective; establishing the facilitating conditions of personal development; arguing the importance of personal development of teacher in the context of effective professional development.

The applicative value of research consists of the elaboration and application of the questionnaire „Personal Development of the Teacher” through which I have structured a system of ideas and personal motivations concerning the need of personal development; determining the correlation between the elements of affective-motivational dimension and show differences by age and professional particularities of the person; creation of a complex methodological basis to realize the personal development by the elaboration and validation of the model Teacher personal development from a psychosocial perspective, the application of the program Teacher personal development from a psychosocial perspective. The proposed model helps ensure the quality of personal development/training and personal growth of teachers formed in this model.

Implementing the scientific results. The results of the thesis was approved by the program Teacher personal development from a psychosocial perspective realized with the scientific and teaching staff from the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, teachers from the College „V. Lupu” Orhei, thematic modules, formative trainings in continuous professional sessions for teachers from the Institute of Education Sciences.