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Theses – Pedagogics, 2006

Elaborated theses [38]

Gr Title Approval date
D The establishment week regime of motion activity during selves training 11 – 15 year old pupils 26.01.2006
13.00.04 - Theory and Methodology of Physical Education, Sport Training and Physical Culture of Recuperation
D Optimizarea structurii şi conţinutului pregătirii fizice şi psihomotrice specifice a studenţilor marinari în cadrul practicilor nautice marinăreşti 26.01.2006
13.00.04 - Theory and Methodology of Physical Education, Sport Training and Physical Culture of Recuperation
D The devalopment of the economical skills for the children of the primaru school age 23.02.2006
13.00.01 - General Pedagogics
D Paradigma psihopedagogică a didacticii disciplinei şcolare 26.01.2006
13.00.01 - General Pedagogics
D The methodology of decorative composition basis application in the process of students’ professional training at the Art Faculties. (based on the course “Artistic Weaving”) 23.02.2006
13.00.02 - Theory and Methodology of Instruction (on disciplines)
DH The Theoretical and Methodological Foundations of the Managerial Reform in Education 27.04.2006
13.00.01 - General Pedagogics
D Forming of the axiological orientation of the 6-7 years preschools children from etnoeducational prospective 27.04.2006
13.00.01 - General Pedagogics
D Comunicarea didactică - model de formare a competenţelor comunicative la elevii ciclului primar 29.06.2006
13.00.01 - General Pedagogics
D Preparation of students of high schools of physical training in course "Management and the legislation" using consolidation games of the organization 23.02.2006
13.00.04 - Theory and Methodology of Physical Education, Sport Training and Physical Culture of Recuperation
D Estimation of the influence to movement games about beginner hockey players level 9-11 years 23.02.2006
13.00.04 - Theory and Methodology of Physical Education, Sport Training and Physical Culture of Recuperation
D Pregătirea fizică profesional-aplicativă a studenţilor de la facultăţile de construcţii de maşini prin mijloacele jocurilor sportive individuale 27.04.2006
13.00.04 - Theory and Methodology of Physical Education, Sport Training and Physical Culture of Recuperation
D Highschool pupils personality education through touristic school activities 27.04.2006
13.00.04 - Theory and Methodology of Physical Education, Sport Training and Physical Culture of Recuperation
D Formative functions of the text universalia in learning the Romanian language by non/native speakers 27.04.2006
13.00.01 - General Pedagogics
D Profesional-pedagogic preparation of students from faculties of physical education and sport inside „Pedagogic practice” discipline 27.04.2006
13.00.04 - Theory and Methodology of Physical Education, Sport Training and Physical Culture of Recuperation
D Modern planning and training technology for high level-canoe athletes for international events 27.04.2006
13.00.04 - Theory and Methodology of Physical Education, Sport Training and Physical Culture of Recuperation
D Continuity in Process of Formation of Learning Competences at 6-8 - year old Children 29.06.2006
13.00.01 - General Pedagogics
D Social, pedagogical and legal bases of development of student's sports of Republic Moldova 29.06.2006
13.00.04 - Theory and Methodology of Physical Education, Sport Training and Physical Culture of Recuperation
D The content of the sporting preparation for the young football players, the age 17 – 18 years, in the frame of the sporting private clubs 29.06.2006
13.00.04 - Theory and Methodology of Physical Education, Sport Training and Physical Culture of Recuperation
D Conceptualizing and projecting the integrated discipline Sciences in secondary education 29.06.2006
13.00.01 - General Pedagogics
D The Methodology of computer-aided studies of analytic geometry elements 29.06.2006
13.00.02 - Theory and Methodology of Instruction (on disciplines)
D The Informational Technologies in the informatics learning/teaching process 29.06.2006
13.00.02 - Theory and Methodology of Instruction (on disciplines)
D The formative value of the pedagogical language in action 29.06.2006
13.00.01 - General Pedagogics
D The forming of communicative skills of the pupils of different nationalities in the Romanian language in the pre- school period, author 28.09.2006
13.00.02 - Theory and Methodology of Instruction (on disciplines)
D The development of a foreign student’s individual speech on the basis of discursive situation 28.09.2006
13.00.01 - General Pedagogics
D The correlation between illustrative and reasonable methods used at teaching-learning-evaluation skill at “Parallelism and perpendicularity in space”” (in middle – school) 29.06.2006
13.00.02 - Theory and Methodology of Instruction (on disciplines)
D The efficiency of using dynamic games with technical elements from handball during the Physical Education lessons with primary school pupils 29.06.2006
13.00.04 - Theory and Methodology of Physical Education, Sport Training and Physical Culture of Recuperation
D Individual physical and technical training prepare for football players in winter period 28.09.2006
13.00.04 - Theory and Methodology of Physical Education, Sport Training and Physical Culture of Recuperation
D Pedagogical conditions in developing motives for foreign languages acquisition in high school 28.09.2006
13.00.01 - General Pedagogics
D The psyhopedagogical conditions and methodology concerning the application of the approval and disapproval within the framework of family education 28.09.2006
13.00.01 - General Pedagogics
D Strategies of traumatism recuperation in karate-do Shotokan 28.09.2006
13.00.04 - Theory and Methodology of Physical Education, Sport Training and Physical Culture of Recuperation
D Methodical preparation of students of the supreme sports educational institutions within the framework of the general rate Volleyball 28.09.2006
13.00.04 - Theory and Methodology of Physical Education, Sport Training and Physical Culture of Recuperation
D Conceptualizing The Assessment of Pupils’ Communicative And Literary Skills 28.09.2006
13.00.01 - General Pedagogics
D Elemente de teorie a mulţimilor în cursul preuniversitar de matematică din Germania 28.09.2006
13.00.02 - Theory and Methodology of Instruction (on disciplines)
D Evaluation Principles and Criteria of Beginner Primary School Teachers' Professional Competencies 26.10.2006
13.00.01 - General Pedagogics
D Professional applied physical preparation of students of faculties of shipbuilding in process of physical training 26.10.2006
13.00.04 - Theory and Methodology of Physical Education, Sport Training and Physical Culture of Recuperation
D The Formation of the Intercultural Communicative Competence of the Future Teachers of English 21.12.2006
13.00.02 - Theory and Methodology of Instruction (on disciplines)
D Peculiarities of training of referees in the football game 21.12.2006
13.00.04 - Theory and Methodology of Physical Education, Sport Training and Physical Culture of Recuperation
D Grounding of the method of swimming training by the group method according to the wireless contact system application 21.12.2006
13.00.04 - Theory and Methodology of Physical Education, Sport Training and Physical Culture of Recuperation