Oficial Reviewer
Cimpoi Mihai was an official reviewer for 24 theses.
- The expression of evil in Romanian literature (Ion Creangă, Mircea Eliade, Vasile Vasilache, Savatie Baștovoi etc.)
30 July, 2021
- Reading as the means of existence for literary work. Theories of reading from the XXth century
25 June, 2021
- Humanization of Myth in the Intellectual Prose of the 20th century: the Revealing of the Literary Phenomenon
19 April, 2019
- The literary text as a discourse of sociality. French Sociocritics
25 January, 2019
- The Novel of the 80’s Generation.
23 November, 2018
- The Erotic Imaginary in the Romanian Postwar Novel
23 November, 2018
- „Eminescianism”: traditional and modern spririt in the contemporary Romanian poetry
11 May, 2018
- The feminine character in Ion Druța’s creation
11 May, 2018
- The Conceptual Framework of Retellisation in the Methodology of Protext
31 May, 2017
- The ethno-folkloric constituents in the prose of Romanian writers from the Republic of Moldova (1960-1980)
16 February, 2017
- Dialogism of Mikhail Bakhtin. The carnivalesque element in the Romanian novel
5 April, 2012
- Hamletism and Quixotism in the European Context of the 19-20th Centuries
22 December, 2011
- The Image-Symbolic System of the Novel "Oblomov" by I. A. Goncharov
22 December, 2011
- Dialogic Structures in the Romanian Novel from the 20th century
24 February, 2011
- Determining structures positioned before and after the noun, in the poetry of Mihai Eminescu
6 October, 2010
- Work and text in modern literary theory
11 February, 2010
- Narrative Structures and Strategies in Joseph Conrad’s Prose
1 October, 2009
- The quest of the Self in the 20th century essay
1 October, 2009
- The Quixotism in Romanian literature
19 June, 2008
- Leon Donici’s short prose. Artistic worlds, characters, narrative techniques
21 December, 2006
- The Reception of Ukrainian Literature in the Republic of Moldova between 1924 and 1984
26 January, 2006
- The prose's universe of Vlad Ioviţă
22 December, 2005
- The novelistic representation of the Parisian woman in French literature from the second half of the XX-th century
27 October, 2005
- Umberto Eco şi retorica romanului postmodernist
24 February, 2005
Scientific Council's Member
CSS president: 16 theses, CSS member: 5 theses
- Ion Creangă and Bessarabian prose
24 February, 2023, CSS president
- Oriental mythemes in Romanian poetry of the XX-th century.
25 November, 2022, CSS president
- The expression of evil in Romanian literature (Ion Creangă, Mircea Eliade, Vasile Vasilache, Savatie Baștovoi etc.)
30 July, 2021, CSS member
- Reading as the means of existence for literary work. Theories of reading from the XXth century
25 June, 2021, CSS member
- Literary imagology: schools, directions, methods
26 February, 2021, CSS president
- Continuity and Rupture in Romanian Literary Criticism in Bessarabia (1985-2010)
9 July, 2019, CSS president
- Book and censorship in Bessarabia (1812-1917)
23 November, 2018, CSS president
- The double in the contemporary novel
23 November, 2018, CSS member
- Particularities of stage direction in Russian theatres of the Republic of Moldova at the turn of the century.
31 May, 2017, CSS member
- The methodology of literary-artistic education of pupils
5 July, 2016, CSS member
- Arts of poetry in the post-war literature of Republic of Moldova (aesthetic rehabilitation)
21 April, 2016, CSS president
- The novel of Vladimir Beșleagă (artistic world, characters, narrative techniques)
21 April, 2016, CSS president
- Bessarabian Poetry in the Late 1980s – Early 1990s of the twentieth Century (a Paradigm Shift
5 October, 2011, CSS president
- The Romanian literature in the Republic of Moldova: an opening towards universalism.
4 November, 2010, CSS president
- Prose Universe of Leon Donici Dobronravov (biblical dimensions and typology of world clergy)
4 November, 2010, CSS president
- Modernity and Tradition in Liviu Deleanu’s Poetry
11 February, 2010, CSS president
- Personal myth and its connotations in modern poetry
1 October, 2009, CSS president
- Nicolae Dabija’s literary essays
28 February, 2009, CSS president
- Point of View in the Interwar Romanian Novel
26 February, 2009, CSS president
- Simbolistica romanului sadovenian. O viziune arhetipală
26 February, 2009, CSS president
- Sadoveanian’s model and the Basarabian’s prose
26 February, 2009, CSS president
- Burlacu Alexandru / 32 theses
doctor habilitat, professor, Chisinau Pedagogical State University "Ion Creanga" - Pavlicenco Sergiu / 18 theses
doctor habilitat, professor, USM - Prus Elena / 20 theses
doctor habilitat, professor, Free International University of Moldova - Grati Aliona / 26 theses
doctor habilitat, professor, USM - Gavrilov Anatol / 20 theses
doctor habilitat, professor, Institute of Philology - Ţurcanu Andrei / 16 theses
doctor habilitat, associate professor (docent), Institute of Philology - Ciocanu Ion / 15 theses
doctor habilitat, associate professor (docent), Institute of Philology - Şleahtiţchi Maria / 11 theses
doctor habilitat, associate professor (docent), Alecu Russo Balty State University - Bileţchi Nicolae / 13 theses
doctor habilitat, professor, Institute of Philology - Popovici Constantin / 8 theses
doctor habilitat, professor, Institute of Cultural Heritage of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova - Ţau Elena / 9 theses
doctor, associate professor (docent), USM - Plamadeala Ion / 8 theses
doctor habilitat - Apetri Dumitru / 5 theses
doctor, associate professor (docent) - Butnaru Tatiana / 5 theses
doctor, associate professor (docent) - Şimanschi Ludmila / 11 theses
doctor, associate professor (docent)