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CNAA / Teze / 2009 / mai /

Deciziunea managerială ca factor al dezvoltării profesionale a cadrelor didactice

Autor: Paniş Aliona
Gradul:doctor în pedagogie
Specialitatea: 13.00.01 - Pedagogie generală
Conducător ştiinţific: Tatiana Callo
doctor habilitat, profesor universitar, Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă" din Chişinău


Teza a fost susţinută pe 14 mai 2009 în CSS
şi aprobată de CNAA pe 18 iunie 2009


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CZU 37.014: 005

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173 pagini

Cuvinte Cheie

decizie/deciziune, decizie managerială/deciziune managerială, decident, profesor decident, proces decizional, act decizional, etapă predecizională/decizională/postdecizională, adoptarea/luarea deciziei, decizie personalizată/individuală, imagine decizională, deciziune-acţiune, competenţă decizională, management, conducere, profesor manager, formare continuă, dezvoltare profesională, dezvoltare profesională individuală, personalitate profesională, abordare contingency, coping, construct, coaching, neo/profesor, reuşită/excelenţă profesională.


The research puts into value the managerial decision in the process of teaching staff development on the basis of decision conceptualization as component of decision-making process in relation to his proper professional image and respond to the pedagogical needs from experience perspective. By specification of descriptor’s of managerial decision as a phenomenon of human action and its role in the formation of operative thinking in relation to professional development the are determined the innovative resources of theoretical research and the applicative resources of experimental research.

The theoretical dimension of work includes the decision approach as a basic element of management in the specific reference field – professional development by re/defining the terms (managerial decision, decisional competency and its descriptors, individual leadership, neo/teacher, decision-maker teacher, teacher manager, decision-action unit, coaching etc.) and the working out, on this basis of Factual Model of managerial decision in the professional development of teaching staff.

The experimental dimension involves the description of the implementation process of Referential of formation of decisional competency of scholar teaching staff in the practice of professional development and the demonstration of his pedagogic value in following aspects: theoretical perspective of decision in relation to normative, potentiality and descriptive approaches; illustration of role of personalized decision; foundation of formation of decisional competency of teaching staff on the specifics of decisional process by personal accountability and orientation towards success/professional excellence.

It was proved and demonstrated that managerial decision is a factor of value establishing of professional development of teaching staff, being the basis of formation action of decision-maker teacher in relation to his proper professional development; of a neo/teacher, who is oriented towards success/excellence as a product of identification of personal priorities.

The experience dimension of research involves the need of professional satisfaction what is leading to one developed motive of realization , oriented towards success achievement in the made action and towards exploitation of professional success. In the new conditions of professional development, the formation of decision-maker teacher is becoming a priority of educational system by structuring a decentralized system of continue formation of teaching staff, based on the professional credit and the credit decision, on the technologic specifics of coaching action.


CAPITOLUL I. Repere teoretice ale deciziunii în dimensiune pedagogică
  • 1.1. Aspecte teoretico-aplicative ale deciziei şi deciziunii în educaţie
  • 1.2. Structura funcţională a procesului decizional
  • 1.3. Coordonate vertoriale ale deciziei/deciziunii manageriale
  • Concluzii

CAPITOLUL II. Contextualizarea pedagogică a deciziunii manageriale ca factor al dezvoltării profesionale
  • 2.1. Imaginea decizională a cadrelor didactice într-un proces de dezvoltare profesională
  • 2.2. Competenţa profesorului decident în procesul de dezvoltare profesională
  • 2.3. Modelul factual al deciziunii manageriale în dezvoltarea profesională a cadrelor didactice
  • Concluzii

CAPITOLUL III. Procesul de formare a competenţei decizionale a cadrelor didactice şcolare în activităţile de dezvoltare profesională
  • 3.1. Sondajul preliminar al deciziunii manageriale a cadrelor didactice
  • 3.2. Formarea competenţei decizionale a cadrelor didactice şcolare
  • 3.3. Validarea rolului profesorului decident în dezvoltarea sa profesională.